141 W. Haynes St | Sandersville, GA 31082 | 478-552-2525

Agendas and Minutes

City Council Meetings

Dec 16, 2024

City Council Meetings



DECEMBER 16, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Recognitions: Teresa Hines, Resolution
  4. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda:
    1. Approval of Minutes: December 2, 2024. (Attachment A)
    2. Resolution #2024-25: A Resolution Adopting Financial Policies for the City of Sandersville. (Attachment B)
    3. Resolution # 2024-26: A Resolution to adopt the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget for each fund of the City of Sandersville, Georgia appropriating the amounts shown in each budget as expenditures/expenses, adopting the several items of revenue anticipations, and prohibiting expenditures or expenses from exceeding actual funding available for. (Attachment C)
    4. Motion to obligate $290,433.23 of ARPA funds to Washington County for the development of Linton Park and to authorize the City Manager to reallocate any excess funds from the lift station project to the Linton Park project.
    5. Motion to pay an invoice in the amount of $61,965 to Turnipseed Engineers for the survey and design of plans and specifications for the laurel acres and jail lift stations. (Attachment D)
    6. Motion to reappoint Carolyn Bloodsaw, Dorothy Tucker, Sid Cheatham and to appoint new member Vivian Jones to the P&Z Board for a term beginning January 1, 2025 thru December 31, 2027.
    7. Motion to approve the 2025 Council training expense allocations. (Attachment E)
    8. Motion to approve the 2025 Council meeting schedule. (Attachment F)
  5. Motion to authorize the City Manager to sign a service agreement, pending attorney review and approval, with Axon Enterprise, Inc. for in-car video and body worn camera upgrades in the amount of $489,287 (Attachment G)
  6. Public Comment
  7. Adjourn


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Dec 2, 2024

City Council Meetings



DECEMBER 2, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes:  November 4, 2024 and November 7, 2024 minutes (Attachment A)
  4. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-21: A Resolution setting the millage rate for AD Valorem (property) taxes for the 2024 Calendar Year for The City of Sandersville, Georgia.
  5. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-22: A Resolution of support for the 2025 SPLOST Intergovernmental Agreement and the SPLOST election in Washington County
  6.  Motion to enter into a Intergovernmental Agreement for the use and distribution of proceeds from the 2025 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax for Capital Projects with Washington County.
  7. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-23: A Resolution to adopt the first amendment to the FY 2024 Budget for each fund of the City of Sandersville.
  8. Motion to amend the FY 2025 Financial Policy
  9. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-24: A Resolution to add membership in a fund of Georgia Interlock Risk Management Agency for a First Responder PTSD Policy.
  10. Public Comment
  11. Motion to enter into executive session to discuss personnel
  12. Motion to Adjourn


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Nov 4, 2024

City Council Meetings



NOVEMBER 4, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805

  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: October 21, 2024, Minutes (Attachment A)
  4. 4.Public Hearing: Request #2024-09; Request is a special exception request to allow a manufactured home to be placed in a R-2 zone (single family residence). The property is located at 309 Pine Forest Dr., Sandersville, GA 31082, parcel# 110C-021, owned by Tina Butts. (Attachment B)
  5. Motion to approve or deny Request 2024-09; Request is a special exception request to allow a manufactured home to be placed in a R-2 zone (single family residence). The property is located at 309 Pine Forest Dr., Sandersville, GA 31082, parcel #110-C-021, owned by Tina Butts.
  6. Discussion / possible action regarding:
    1. Year-end incentive pay for 2024. (Attachment C)
    2. 2025 Pay Plan. (Attachment D)
    3. Zoning code updates.
  7. Motion to ratify the amended intergovernmental agreement with Washington County for emergency storm debris removal and management services. (Attachment E)
  8. Motion to approve the amended intergovernmental agreement with Washington County for the Linton Park expansion. (Attachment F)
  9. Motion to allow open containers for the Kaolin Festival.
  10. Public Comment.
  11. Motion to enter into executive session to discuss personnel and real estate.
  12. Motion to Adjourn

As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082



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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

November 4, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                 Alex Lowe, Water Director

Council Member Mayme Dennis                            Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                           Brian Shelton, Deputy Chief of Police

Council Member Danny Brown                             Carson Daley, Mainstreet and DDA Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                   Dave Larson, Community Development

Antonio White, Public Works Field Supervisor

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                              

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                 


Mayor Pro Tem Smith called the November 4, 2024, meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5:00 p.m.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith, gave the invocation and Police Chief Cuyler led the pledge to the American Flag.


Approval of Minutes:

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve the October 21, 2024 Minutes. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. (Attachment A)


Public Hearing:

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to enter into a public hearing and Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Request #2024-09; Request is a special exception request to allow a manufactured home to be placed in a R-2 zone (single family residence). The property is located at 309 Pine Forest Dr., Sandersville, GA 31082, parcel# 110C-021, owned by Tina Butts.


Community Development Director Dave Larson stated that the staff recommendation is to approve the request. Director Larson went on to explain there are other mobile homes in the neighborhood and that the mobile home meets all mobile home standards required for the R-2 zone.


Natallie Wiley of Wiley Homes spoke in favor of the special exception stating that Ms. Butts was purchasing the mobile home from her. Wiley went on to assure the council that she was aware of the city requirements for mobile homes and the one that Ms. Butts has chosen meets all required standards.


Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to enter into regular session and council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Request # 2024-09- Special Exception

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve Request #2024-09; Request is a special exception request to allow a manufactured home to be placed in a R-2 zone (single family residence). The property is located at 309 Pine Forest Dr., Sandersville, GA 31082, parcel# 110C-021, owned by Tina Butts. Council Member Mayme Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


2024 Year End Incentive

Council Member Salter made a motion to approve the recommended 2024 year-end incentive pay for employees as set forth in attachment C with changing the first tier from 0-6 months to less than 1 year of service & part-time to $500 and 1year – 5 years to $1,000. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


2025 Pay Plan

Council Member Ben Salter made a motion to approve the 2025 pay plan. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed with favorable votes from Council Member Ben Salter, Council Member Danny Brown, and Council Member Deborah Brown. Council Member Dennis voted against the motion.


Resolution 2024-20- Moratorium

Council Member Dennis made a motion to adopt Resolution # 2024-20: A Resolution of the City of Sandersville, Georgia imposing a moratorium barring the issuance of permits and barring the acceptance of applications for special use exceptions, zone changes, and building permits for new construction of wireless communication devices, infrastructure, facilities, and cellular towers in the City of Sandersville. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Debris Removal IGA

Council Member Salter made a motion to ratify the amended intergovernmental agreement with Washington County Board of Commissioners for emergency storm debris removal and management services. Council Member Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Linton Park IGA

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to approve the amended intergovernmental agreement with Washington County for the Linton Park expansion. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Kaolin Festival

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to allow open containers for the Kaolin Festival. Council Member Ben Salter seconded and the motion passed with favorable votes from Council Ben Salter, Member Danny Brown, and Council Member Deborah Brown. Council Member Dennis voted against the motion.


Public Comment





Executive Session

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss personnel and real estate. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Regular Session

Council Member Debroah Brown made a motion to enter back into regular session. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Storm Response Pay

Council Member Ben Salter made a motion to authorize storm response pay for salary employees. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Salter made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.






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Oct 21, 2024

City Council Meetings




OCTOBER 21, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: October 7, 2024, minutes (Attachment A)
  4. City Manager
    1. Discussion / possible action regarding employee portion of insurance premiums.
    2. Discussion / possible action regarding additional funding commitment for the Linton Park expansion.
  5. Motion to set the FY 2025 City of Sandersville budget hearing for December 9th at 5 p.m. and budget adoption for December 16th at 5 p.m. at the Council Chambers
  6. Public Comment:

Earnestine Johnson-Tybee community

  1. Motion to enter into executive session- personnel
  2. Motion to Adjourn


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council


As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082 


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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Bryan Long, Electric Director           

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                    Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                       Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Deborah Brown                      

Council Member Mayme Dennis                              

Council Member Danny Brown                                

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                                


Mayor Andrews called the October 21, 2024, meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5:00 p.m.

Council Member Ben Salter, gave the invocation and Chief Cuyler led the pledge to the American Flag.

Approval of Minutes:

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve the October 7, 2024 Minutes. Council Member Ben Salter seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. (Attachment A)

City Manager Eveland discussed with the council employee premium portions of insurance. Manager Eveland explained that there are a lot of employees on single coverage and this year the cost of that premium is increasing for the single coverage and if the city portion would cover 88% the premium there would not be an increase for employees. The council had discussion about moving to 90%, Manager Eveland explained that the budget could sustain moving the insurance premium coverage from 85% to 90%.

City Manager Eveland discussed the Linton Park expansion project with the county explaining that the project is coming in way over budget even with removing the amphitheater. The council discussed more project details. The Council decided to have Manger Eveland report back to the county that the city is willing to match up to a cap of 1.4 million towards the Linton Park project.  

Insurance Premium

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to increase the city contribution from 85% to 90% of the employee portion of insurance. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

FY 2025 Budget

Council Member Slater made a motion to set the FY 2025 City of Sandersville budget hearing for December 9th at 5 p.m. and budget adoption for December 16th at 5 p.m. at the Council Chambers. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment:

Earnestine Johnson of the Tybee Community expressed concern of speeders in the area, requesting speed humps to be put in her area. The council explained the process for speed humps asking her to go to city hall to complete a request form for a traffic study to be done in the area. Johnson also explained the odor is still bad in the area from a hole that has filled up with water that was left open from the recent construction done in the area.

Council Member Dennis explained that there is a ditch at 240 N. Hospital Rd. that has a tree in it that is causing the ditch to fill with water.

Citizen Vivian Jones expressed concern about the city putting money into Linton Park and not the existing parks throughout the city. Council Member Dennis stated that older kids are taking over the parks and that cameras need to be put up in the area.



Council Member Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously adjourned.


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Oct 7, 2024

City Council Meetings



OCTOBER 7, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: September 16, 2024 minutes (Attachment A)
  4. Motion to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance 2024-04: An Ordinance adopting an Addendum to the GMEBS Defined Benefit Retirement Plan Adoption Agreement. (Attachment B)
  5. Motion to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Davisboro, City of Tennille, City of Harrison, City of Oconee, City of Deepstep, City of Riddleville and Washington County for emergency debris removal and management services. (Attachment C)
  6. Motion to award a bid to Interceptor Public Safety Products, Inc in the amount of $74,132.41 for emergency equipment for (4) police interceptors. (Attachment D)
  7. Motion to accept the SEID grant for the Tybee Community Drainage improvement project in the amount of $625,00 and authorize a match/cost share in the amount of $125,000 from the City of Sandersville. (Attachment E)
  8. Motion to allow open containers at the Kaolin Festival.
  9. Motion to approve a Council Training and Travel Policy. (Attachment F)
  10. Motion to approve the city to contribute 85% of the employee insurance premiums for health, dental and vision, and 60% of the family insurance premiums for health, dental and vision for full-time city employees. (Attachment G)
  11. Motion to execute a right of way agreement between the City of Sandersville and GDOT for the pedestrian access project at 5 locations throughout the city in the amount of $940,000 with a reimbursement of $752,000 and authorize the city to pay $188,000 of the cost of the project. (Attachment H)
  12. Motion to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a power sales agreement with MEAG Power on behalf of the City of Commerce and the City of Sandersville for the purchase of excess power. (Attachment I)
  13. Public Comment:  
  1. Motion to Adjourn.


As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082.


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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

October 7, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Alex Lowe, Water Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                                Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                       Bryan Long, Electric Director

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                               Dave Larson, Community Development

Council Member Danny Brown                                 Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                              

Keenan Howard, City Attorney    


Mayor Andrews called the October 7, 2024, meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5:00 p.m.

Pastor Stan Littleton, gave the invocation and a short devotional and Council Member Salter led the pledge to the American Flag.

Approval of Minutes:

Council Member Salter made a motion to approve the September 16, 2024 Minutes. Council Member Debroah Brown seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. (Attachment A)

Council Member Dennis questioned the changes of the retirement plan. City Clerk Hartley explained this was language changes to the plan that is mandated by the IRS and that benefits are not changing.

Ordinance 2024-04: An Ordinance adopting an Addendum to the GMEBS Defined Benefit Retirement Plan Adoption Agreement.

Council Member Salter made a motion to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance 2024-04: An Ordinance adopting an Addendum to the GMEBS Defined Benefit Retirement Plan Adoption Agreement. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Intergovernmental Agreement

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Davisboro, City of Tennille, City of Harrison, City of Oconee, City of Deepstep, City of Riddleville and Washington County for emergency debris removal and management services. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Public Safety Products, Inc bid

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to award a bid to Interceptor Public Safety Products, Inc in the amount of $74,132.41 for emergency equipment for (4) police interceptors. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

SEID Grant

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to accept the SEID grant for the Tybee Community Drainage improvement project in the amount of $625,00 and authorize a match/cost share in the amount of $125,000 from the City of Sandersville. Council Member Salter seconded the motion. Council Member Dennis abstained from the vote. The motion passed with favorable votes from Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Council Member Deborah Brown, Council Member Danny Brown, and Council Member Salter.

Mayor Andrews questioned the status of the easement on Council Members Dennis property. Attorney Howard explained that Council Member Dennis is wanting a chain length fence put around the ditch on her property. Attorney Howard stated he would need council approval if they are wanting him to move forward with an agreement to allow putting up a fence. Mayor Andrews commented that we have to move forward with this project. City Manager Eveland explained that she has a obligation to remind the council that this issue may come up again with other property owners and that they need to be aware of what they are approving as others may request the same in the future.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to approve the city putting a fence around the drainage ditch located at the corner of Oak Street and McCarty Street owned by Council Member Dennis. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed with favorable votes from Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Council Member Danny Brown, Council Member Deborah Brown, Council Member Salter. Council Member Mayme Dennis abstained from the vote.

Kaolin Festival

No action taken

Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that he is ok with approving the travel policy with the modifications requested in the working session.

Travel Policy

Council Member Dennis made a motion to adopt the Council Training and Travel Policy. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

DOT Right of Way agreement

Council Member Smith made a motion to execute a right of way agreement between the City of Sandersville and GDOT for the pedestrian access project at 5 locations throughout the city in the amount of $940,000 with a reimbursement of $752,000 and authorize the city to pay $188,000 of the cost of the project. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Excess Power sales agreement with MEAG

Council Member Dennis made a motion to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a power sales agreement with MEAG Power on behalf of the City of Commerce and the City of Sandersville for the purchase of excess power. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Permit Fees

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to waive permit fees related to storm damage repairs until December 31, 2024. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


City Manager Eveland proposed that the city pay 60% of the family coverage of the insurance premiums, she also stated that there are numbers attached to her memo for review to see the financial impact. City Manager Eveland stated that the council needs to decide if they want to apply the 60% for council and employees or just employees. The council had discussion and decided they wanted the 60% to apply to everyone enrolled in the insurance. City Manager Eveland stated there was a concern if the council could be included since there compensation is set prior to the election. Attorney Howard stated he just got clarification and that this would not be considered compensation as it pertains to the council.

Insurance Premiums

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to approve the city to contribute 85% of the employee insurance premiums for health, dental and vision, and 60% of the family insurance premiums for health, dental and vision plans. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Citizen Comment

Citizen Susan Lewis commended Russel Riner on a job well done in response to the storm and to all the city crews for their hard work during the storm. Lewis asked the council about being proactive in installing undergrounding service throughout the city. Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that the cost is so much for underground service is why it’s hard to do throughout the city. Citizen Lewis also stated that the City of Sandersville is always proactive and it was obvious during the storm when our community was one of the first up and back running.

Resident Carolyn Washington of Hines Street explained that the crews that have been working on the drainage project in the Tybee community have dug a hole in her neighbor’s yard and they didn’t cover it up. Washington went on to discuss that stagnant water remains in the hole causing a very bad odor in the area. City Manager Eveland responded that she would follow up with this issue.

Resident Mary Fullen of Hines Street discussed with the council that her property was flooded a couple of years ago and she has had to live other places due to the damage. Fullen went on to question if there were any grants or anything that could be done for her property. City Manager Eveland responded she would follow up after the meeting.



Council Member Salter made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously adjourned.




                            Jimmy Andrews, Mayor


                                  Kandice Hartley, City Clerk





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Sep 16, 2024

City Council Meetings



SEPTEMBER 16, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: September 3, 2024 Minutes (Attachment A)
  4. Motion to waive the first reading and adopt Ordinance 2024-04: An Ordinance adopting an Addendum to the GMEBS Defined Benefit Retirement Plan Adoption Agreement. (Attachment B)
  5. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-19: A Resolution of the City of Sandersville, Georgia amending the authorized personnel schedule and job position classification and compensation plan to provide for a Deputy Chief of Police in the Police Department. (Attachment C)
  6. Motion to enter into an agreement for consulting services with Georgia Municipal Association Inc. (GMA) to provide facilitation services for a strategic planning retreat for the Mayor, Council and key staff for the City of Sandersville. (Attachment D)
  7. Motion to set the FY 2025 City of Sandersville budget hearing for November 18th at 5 p.m. at the Fire Department Training Room. 
  8. Public Comment
  9. Motion to Adjourn

As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082


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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

September 16, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                         

Mayor Jeffery Smith                                                                            Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                                                 Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Deborah Brown                           

Council Member Mayme Dennis                        

Council Member Danny Brown                              

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                    

Keenan Howard, City Attorney    


Mayor Andrews called the September 16, 2024, meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5:00 p.m.


Council Member Danny Brown gave the invocation and Attorney Howard led pledge to the American Flag.


Approval of Minutes:

Mayor Andrews stated that the minutes need to be corrected to reflect Council Member Dennis did not vote against the SEID Grant but abstained from the motion concerning the SEID grant. City Clerk Hartley notated the changes.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to approve the September 3, 2024 Minutes with stated corrections. Council Member Debroah Brown seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. (Attachment A)


Ordinance 2024-04: An Ordinance adopting an Addendum to the GMEBS Defined Benefit Retirement Plan Adoption Agreement.

Council Member Ben Salter made a motion to waive the first reading and adopt Ordinance 2024-04: An Ordinance adopting an Addendum to the GMEBS Defined Benefit Retirement Plan Adoption Agreement. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Resolution 2024-19:

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to adopt A Resolution of the City of Sandersville, Georgia amending the authorized personnel schedule and job position classification and compensation plan to provide for a Deputy Chief position in the Police Department. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


GMA-Strategic Plan Retreat

Council Member Ben Salter made a motion to enter into an agreement for consulting services with GMA to provide facilitation services for a strategic planning retreat for the Mayor, Council and key staff for the City of Sandersville. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Budget Hearing

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to set the FY 2025 City of Sandersville budget hearing for November 18th at 5 p.m. at the Fire Department Training Room. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Public Comment



Executive Session:

Council Member Salter made a motion made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Council Member Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously adjourned


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Sep 3, 2024

City Council Meetings



SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: August 29, 2024 minutes (Attachment A)
  4. Public Hearing:

Request #2024-07: Request is a Special Exception request to allow a manufactured home to be placed in an R-3 zone (Multi-Family Residence) located at 203 P.L. Braswell Way, Sandersville, GA 31082, parcel #S14-041 owned by Janice Wiley. (Attachment B)

Request #2024-08: Request is a Variance for roof pitch reduction to allow a 3/12 roof pitch for the manufactured home locating at 203 P.L. Braswell Way, Sandersville, GA31082, parcel #S14-041, owned by Janice Wiley. (Attachment C)

  1. Motion to approve or deny Request 2024-07: Request is a special exception to allow a manufactured home to be placed in a R-3 zone (Multi- Family Residence). The property is located at 203 P.L. Braswell Way, Sandersville, GA 31082, parcel #S14-041, owned by Janice Wiley. (Attachment B)
  2. Motion to approve or deny Request 2024-08: The Request is a variance to allow a 3/12 roof pitch for a manufactured home locating at 203 P.L. Braswell Way, Sandersville, GA 31082, Parcel S14-041, owned by Janice Wiley. (Attachment C)
  3. Motion to award a bid in the amount of $62,956 to J & T Service Center, Inc. for the purchase of a Generator to serve the Annex Office and the Electric Dept Shop. (Attachment D)
  4. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-18: A Resolution amending the Job Position and Compensation Plan to provide for a classification change in the Public Works Street Division. (Attachment E)
  5. Motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with the CSRA Regional Commission for the Tybee Community Drainage and Roadway SEID Grant. (Attachment F)
  6. Public Comment
  7. Motion to adjourn


Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council


As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082 



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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

September 3, 2024- 5:00 p.m.

Council Members and City Employees present

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Bryan Long, Electric Director

Mayor Jeffery Smith                                             Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                  Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Council Member Deborah Brown                         Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                          Dave Larson, Community Development

Council Member Danny Brown                              

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                    

Keenan Howard, City Attorney    


Mayor Andrews called the September 3, 2024, meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5:00 p.m.


Council Member Deborah Brown gave the invocation and Citizen Terrance Hall led the pledge to the American Flag.


Mayor Andrews thanked all the departments for their hard work during the recent storm that caused a lot of damage and power outages. Mayor Andrews then announced that 25 year employee Public Works Director Eubanks has retired and thanked him for his service to the city.


Council Member Dennis commended that she would like to remind the citizens to be patient and understanding when the electricity goes out thanked the crews for working hard to restore the power so quickly.  All Council Members thanked the departments for the hard work during the storm. City Manager Eveland thanked Council Member Dennis on behalf of the staff for recognizing the employees hard work. Electric Director Long thanked Newton County and Helton Electric for assisting with the power outages. 


Approval of Minutes:

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve the August 19, 2024 minutes as written. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. (Attachment A)


Public Hearing:

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to enter into a public hearing, and Council Member Dennis seconded.


Request #2024-07: Request is a Special Exception request to allow a manufactured home to be placed in an R-3 zone (Multi-Family Residence) located at 203 P.L. Braswell Way, Sandersville, GA 31082, parcel #S14-041 owned by Janice Wiley.


Request #2024-08:  Request is a Variance for roof pitch reduction to allow a 3/12 roof pitch for the manufactured home locating at 203 P.L. Braswell Way, Sandersville, GA  31082, parcel #S14-041, owned by Janice Wiley.


Community Development Director Larson stated that the request was presented and approved by the P&Z board, and that the staff recommendation is to approve the request. Director Larson continued to explain that the mobile home will meet all other requirements as stated in our ordinance and there are mobile homes in the area with the 3/12 pitch.


Mayor Andrews asked if there was anyone there to speak in favor or in opposition of the request.


203 P.L. Braswell Way Special Exception

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve Request 2024-07: Request is a special exception to allow a manufactured home to be placed in a R-3 zone (Multi- Family Residence). The property is located at 203 P.L. Braswell Way, Sandersville, GA 31082, parcel #S14-041, owned by Janice Wiley. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


203 P.L. Braswell Way Variance Request

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve Request 2024-08: The Request is a variance to allow a 3/12 roof pitch for a manufactured home locating at 203 P.L. Braswell Way, Sandersville, GA 31082, Parcel S14-041, owned by Janice Wiley. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Electric Director Bryan Long stated that the Electric Department accepted bids for a generator to serve the electric department shop and the annex office. Director Long explained there was a big difference in the bids and the this was due to one of the bidders quoted a residential generator instead of commercial. Electric Director Long stated he would like to recommend the council award to J&T Service Center since they were the lowest bid for a commercial generator.


Generator to serve Electric Dept Shop

Council Member Ben Salter made a motion to award a bid in the amount of $62,956 to J & T Service Center, Inc. for the purchase of a Generator to serve the Annex Office and the Electric Dept Shop. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


City Manager Eveland asked the council if they would be ok with her inviting Mayor Pro Tem Smith to sit in on a meeting concerning a development prospect. The council agreed that they would like Mayor Pro Tem Smith to be a part of the meeting.


City Manager Eveland then explained that she would like to recommend the council approve her to combine the street construction supervisor position and the street maintenance supervisor position into one Public Works Field Supervisor position and adjust the pay grade for the position. Council then asked questions and had discussion concerning the change of positions.


Resolution 2024-18: Job Position & Compensation Plan

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-18: A Resolution amending the Job Position and Compensation Plan to provide for a classification change in the Public Works Street Division. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


SEID Grant

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with the CSRA Regional Commission for the Tybee Community Drainage and Roadway SEID Grant. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed with favorable votes from: Council Member Salter, Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Council Member Deborah Brown and Council Member Danny Brown. Council Member Dennis abstained from the motion.


Executive Session:

Council Member Salter made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss real estate and personnel matters. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Public Comment:




Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


View Documents

Aug 19, 2024

City Council Meetings



AUGUST 19, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805

  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: August 5, 2024 and August 12, 2024 Minutes (Attachment A)
  4. Motion to deny Request 2024-06; Request is a zoning variance for an accessory structure to be placed closer than the 10 foot required setback from the property line. The property is located at 431 Moye Dr., parcel S31-014, owned by Glenda Sauerhoefer. (Attachment B)
  5. Motion to waive the second reading of and adopt ordinance 2024-02: An ordinance amending the City of Sandersville, Georgia municipal code regarding finance procedures related to procurement. (Attachment C)
  6. Motion to adopt a Purchasing and Procurement Policy for the City of Sandersville. (Attachment D)
  7. Motion to pay an invoice to Viking Construction Management Inc. in the amount of $40,126 for fire hydrant replacement. (Attachment E)
  8. Motion to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract, for financial consulting services with Brianna Wiley for up to six months, at a rate of $75 per hour. (Attachment F)
  9. Motion to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract, subject to City Attorney review, for financial management assistance from Business Central Solutions LLC dba Municipal Central for up to three months at a rate of $75 per hour and to authorize the placement fee of $1,800 to Janice Allen Jackson and Associates. (Attachment G)
  10. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-17: A Resolution awarding a bid to Pyles Plumbing & Utility Contractors Inc. of Macon, Georgia in the amount of $1,682,000.00 for 242745 pump station rehabilitation. (Attachment H)
  11. Motion to Motion to assign $750,000 of ARPA funding for the Laurel Acres and Jailhouse lift stations project.
  12. Motion to award a bid to Wade Ford in the amount of $52,595 for a 2024 F150 XL Hybrid truck for the Telecom Department. (Attachment I)
  13. Motion to approve the City of Sandersville Organizational Chart and to create the position of Municipal Services Director.(Attachment J)
  14. Public Comment
  15. Motion to enter into executive session to discuss real estate matters.
  16. Motion to adjourn.


View Documents

Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

August 19, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Mayor Jeffery Smith                                                Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                     Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Council Member Deborah Brown                            Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                             Dave Larson, Community Development

Council Member Danny Brown                              

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                    

Keenan Howard, City Attorney    


Mayor Andrews called the August 19, 2024, meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5:00 p.m.


Council Member Dennis gave the invocation and Citizen Susan Lewis led pledge to the American Flag.


Approval of Minutes:

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve the August 5, 2024 and August 12, 2024 Minutes as written. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. (Attachment A)


Zoning Variance:

Council Member Dennis motion to deny Request 2024-06; Request is a zoning variance for an accessory structure to be placed closer than the 10 foot required setback from the property line. The property is located at 431 Moye Dr., parcel S31-014, owned by Glenda Sauerhoefer. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment B)


Ordinance 2024-02:

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to waive the second reading of and adopt ordinance 2024-02: An ordinance amending the City of Sandersville, Georgia municipal code regarding finance procedures related to procurement. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment C)


Purchasing Policy

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adopt a Purchasing and Procurement Policy for the City of Sandersville. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment D)


Hydrant Replacement:

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to pay an invoice to Viking Construction Management Inc. in the amount of $40,126 for fire hydrant replacement. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment E)


Brianna Wiley Consulting

Council Member Dennis made a motion to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract, for financial consulting services with Brianna Wiley for up to six months, at a rate of $75 per hour. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment F)


Business Central Solutions LLC and Janice Allen Consulting Contracts

Council Member Dennis made a motion to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract, subject to City Attorney review, for financial management assistance from Business Central Solutions LLC dba Municipal Central for up to three months at a rate of $75 per hour and to authorize the placement fee of $1,800 to Janice Allen Jackson and Associates. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment G)


Resolution 2024-17:

Council Member Ben Salter made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-17: A Resolution awarding a bid to Pyles Plumbing & Utility Contractors Inc. of Macon, Georgia in the amount of $1,682,000.00 for 242745 pump station rehabilitation. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment H)


ARPA Funds

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to assign $750,000 of ARPA funding for the Laurel Acres and Jailhouse lift stations project. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Telecom Department Truck:

Council Member Ben Salter made a motion to award a bid to Wade Ford in the amount of $52,595 for a 2024 F150 XL Hybrid truck for the Telecom Department. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment I)


Organizational Chart

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to deny the City of Sandersville Organizational Chart and to create the position of Municipal Services Director. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment J)


Executive Session:

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss real estate matters, and personnel. Council Member Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Salter made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously adjourned.



View Documents

Aug 5, 2024

City Council Meetings



AUGUST 5, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805

  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: July 11, 2024 and July 15, 2024 minutes  (Attachment A)
  4. Public Hearing:
    1. Request 2024-06; Request is a zoning variance for an accessory structure to be placed closer than the 10 foot required setback from the property line. The property is located at 431 Moye Dr., parcel S31-014, owned by Glenda Sauerhoefer. (Attachment B)


  1. Motion to approve or deny Request 2024-06; Request is a zoning variance for an accessory structure to be placed closer than the 10 foot required setback from the property line. The property is located at 431 Moye Dr., parcel S31-014, owned by Glenda Sauerhoefer. (Attachment B)
  2. Motion to authorize the purchase of supplies to complete lighting project for Brentwood School in the amount of $45,619.51. (Attachment C)
  3. Motion to waive the second reading of and adopt ordinance 2024-02: An ordinance amending the City of Sandersville, Georgia municipal code regarding finance procedures related to procurement. (Attachment D)

8.   Motion to adopt the Purchasing and Procurement Policy. (Attachment E)

  1. Motion to appoint Cathy Mayberry to the Washington County Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Kelli Smith expiring on December 31, 2026. (Attachment F)
  2. Motion to allow open containers for September 14th concert on the square.
  3. Motion to approve a quote in the amount of $25,690.86 to Jet-Vac Equipment Company LLC to add a trash pump to the back of the Vac-Truck. (Attachment G)
  4. Motion to enter into executive session to discuss real estate matters.
  5. Public Comment
  6. Motion to Adjourn

As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082 



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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

August 5, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Bryan Long, Electric Director

Mayor Jeffery Smith                                               Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                   Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Council Member Deborah Brown                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis-call in                Dave Larson, Community Development

Council Member Danny Brown                            Carson Daley, DDA / Mainstreet Director

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                              

Keenan Howard, City Attorney    


Mayor Andrews called the August 5, 2024, meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5:00 p.m.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith gave the invocation and Water/Wastewater Director Alex Lowe the pledge to the American Flag.


Approval of Minutes: July 11, 2024 and July 15, 2024 Minutes

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve the July 11, 2024 and July 15, 2024 minutes as written. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. (Attachment A)


Public Hearing:

Request 2024-06; Request is a zoning variance for an accessory structure to be placed closer than the 10 foot required setback from the property line. The property is located at 431 Moye Dr., parcel S31-014, owned by Glenda Sauerhoefer. (Attachment B)


Mayor Andrews asked if anyone was present at the meeting to speak in favor or in opposition the variance request. There were no comments from the public.



Motion to approve variance request 2024-06 with conditions;

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to make a conditional approval for a 5 ft set back variance not a 10ft for Variance Request 2024-06, located at 431 Moye Dr., parcel S31-014. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Rescind Variance Request 2024-06:

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to rescind a conditional approval for a 5 ft set back variance not a 10ft for variance request 2024-06, located at 431 Moye Dr. parcel S31-014. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Council Members had discussion back and forth and ultimately decided to table the decision.


Table Request 2024-06:

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to table variance request 2024-06; located at 431 Moye Dr. parcel S31-014. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Brentwood Lighting Project

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to authorize the purchase of supplies to complete lighting project for Brentwood School in the amount of $45,619.51. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment C)


Ordinance 2024-02 & Purchasing Policy:

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to table the second reading of and adopt ordinance 2024-02: An ordinance amending the City of Sandersville, Georgia municipal code regarding finance procedures related to procurement along with the purchasing policy. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment D & E)


Library Board Appointment:

Council Member Dennis made a motion to appoint Cathy Mayberry to the Washington County Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Kelli Smith expiring on December 31, 2026. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment F)


Open Containers:

Council Member Salter made a motion to allow open containers for the September 14th concert on the square. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed with favorable votes from: Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith, Council Member Ben Salter, Council Member Danny Brown, and Council Member Deborah Brown. Council Member Dennis voted against the motion.


Jet-Vac Equipment Company LLC

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve a quote in the amount of $25,690.86 to Jet-Vac Equipment Company LLC to add a trash pump to the back of the Vac-Truck. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  (Attachment G)


Executive Session:

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss real estate matters. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to reimburse Dura-Line in the amount of $192,782 for code-specific required upgrades to the Dura-Line building that the city owns. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Salter made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously adjourned.


View Documents

Jul 15, 2024

City Council Meetings




JULY 15, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Recognition:
    1. Katie Moncus – Chamber of Commerce


  1. Approval of Minutes: July 1, 2024 (Attachment A)
  2.  Discussion regarding MLK Jr. Ave resurfacing project and possible award of contract.
  3. Motion to waive the second reading of and adopt ordinance 2024-02: An ordinance amending the City of Sandersville, Georgia municipal code regarding finance procedures related to procurement. (Attachment B)


  1. Motion to adopt the Purchasing and Procurement Policy. (Attachment C)
  2. Motion to suspend the rules and waive first and second reading of and adopt Ordinance 2024-03: An ordinance amending the City of Sandersville, Georgia municipal code regarding Regulatory Fee Amounts. (Attachment D)


  1. Motion to Adopt Resolution 2024-16: A Resolution of the City of Sandersville, Georgia amending the schedule of fees and charges for the City of Sandersville. (Attachment E).


  1. Motion to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Allyson Brunette Consulting for the development of a strategic plan at a cost not to exceed $25,500. (Attachment F)


  1. Motion to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Evergreen Solutions for a Compensation Study at a cost not to exceed $30,500. (Attachment G)


  1. Motion to authorize $35,050 to the Airport Authority for the purchase of a tractor, mower, and sprayer. (Attachment H)


  1. Motion to award bid to HD Construction, in the amount of $414,425 for the M. Friedman sidewalk project. (Attachment I)


  1. Motion to Adopt Resolution 2024-15: A Resolution of the City of Sandersville, Georgia amending the job position classification and compensation plan to provide for a classification change in the Public Works Department. (Attachment J)


  1. Public Comment - This is an opportunity for community members to speak to the Council.  No lengthy discussion or action may take place at this time and councilmembers may ask clarifying questions only. Speakers will be limited to three minutes.
  2. Motion to Adjourn


As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082


View Documents

Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

July 15, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                   Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Council Member Deborah Brown                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                           

Council Member Danny Brown                             

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                              


Mayor Andrews called the July 15, 2024, meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order.


Mayor Andrews, gave the invocation and City Clerk Hartley led the pledge to the American Flag.



Chief Cuyler introduced new police officer Mackensey Campbell. Mayor Andrews administered the oath of office. 


Chamber of Commerce President Katie Moncus gave an update on chamber memberships and events.


Approval of Minutes: July 1, 2024 Minutes

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve the July 1, 2024 minutes as written. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. (Attachment A)


City Manager Eveland discussed the proposed MLK paving project explaining in discussion with Engineer Tyre and Water Director Lowe that it has come to her understanding that the underground sewer infrastructure on MLK needs to be repaired before moving forward with the paving project on MLK. City Manager Eveland explained the financing options for the infrastructure project for MLK. The City Council had discussion and decided they wanted to hold off on the MLK paving project until the sewer project was completed. City Manager Eveland explained that she would continue to look at the financial options for the project and present the best option to the council. City Manager Eveland then had Water Wastewater Director Lowe explain that Well #10 went down. Director Lowe explained that he is getting a quote to get fixed. Council Member Dennis questioned if water restrictions would be put in place, Director Lowe stated that he would have more information in the morning. Director Lowe went on to explained that Well #11 also went down explaining this issue was a pipe issue not a pump issue.


Council Member Dennis stated that she has a concern with the new purchasing policy allowing the Finance Director to move funds between accounts. Mayor Andrews stated that since there were concerns that this ordinance and policy could be tabled for further review. City Manager Eveland explained that she needs to know what the questions and concerns are concerning the policy because she has not had any feedback since it was first presented last meeting. City Manager Eveland explained that City Attorney Howard has had the information to review and to explain the difference between legal concerns and policy and operations. City Manager Eveland explained that there are a lot of issues with the current policy and this new policy helps to be efficient and will be very helpful for staff. City Manager Eveland explained that the current job of the Finance Director is to be in charge of the city funds and making sure they are handled in the proper manner. City Manager Eveland then asked the council to please email her so that she can get the answers to the questions from the council going forward on the policy. Council Member Dennis explained that policy’s need to be discussed in detail at a sit down meeting before voting on them. Mayor Pro Tem Smith suggested dedicating a work session to discuss policies such as this purchasing policy before moving forward with them.


Table Ordinance 2024-02:

Council Member Dennis made a motion to table and waive the second reading of and adopt Ordinance 2024-02: An ordinance amending the City of Sandersville, Georgia municipal code regarding finance procedures related to procurement. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  (Attachment B)


Table Purchasing Policy

The Purchasing and Procurement Policy was tabled. (Attachment C)


City Manager Eveland explained that the current ordinance concerning regulatory fees for transient merchants was very high and she is proposing that the fees be removed from the ordinance and a lower fee be adopted through the schedule of fees.  


Ordinance 2024-03:

Council Member Dennis made a motion to suspend the rules and waive first and second reading of and adopt Ordinance 2024-03: An ordinance amending the City of Sandersville, Georgia municipal code regarding regulatory fee amounts. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment D)


Resolution 2024-16: Schedule of Fees

Council Member Salter made a motion to Adopt Resolution 2024-16: A Resolution of the City of Sandersville, Georgia amending the schedule of fees and charges for the City of Sandersville. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment E)


City Manager Eveland explained she has been through the bids for the strategic plan consulting companies and would like to recommend Allyson Brunette Consulting, City Manager Eveland then explained the bid process and how she came to that decision.


Strategic Plan Consulting:

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Allyson Brunette Consulting for the development of a strategic plan at a cost not to exceed $25,500. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment F)




City Manager Eveland explained the bids for the compensation study explaining that she is recommending Evergreen Solutions LLC since they gave a true cost of what the entire project would be.


Compensation Study:

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Evergreen Solutions for a Compensation Study at a cost not to exceed $30,500. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment G)


City Manager Eveland explained that the airport authority has asked help from the city to purchase a mower for the Airport Authority explaining it would be purchased with transportation funds. Council Member Deborah Brown questioned if the county was going to help with the purchase. Council Member Dennis stated that the county should be responsible for more input than the city.


Airport Authority

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to authorize $35,050 to the Airport Authority for the purchase of a tractor, mower, and sprayer. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment H)


Council Member Dennis questioned if the sidewalk would go all the way to the hospital stating that she would make a motion with the clarification that the sidewalk needed to go to the hospital. City Manager Eveland stated she would confirm with the public works director but that information would have been provided when the bid was initially presented.  


M. Friedman Sidewalk

Council Member Dennis made a motion to award bid to HD Construction, in the amount of $414,425 for the M. Friedman sidewalk project. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment I)


City Manager Eveland explained that she is recommending an adjustment on the pay scale for the public works director position, going on to say that recruiting at this pay grade may be difficult. The pay grade was previously changed when the job description of the public works director was changed to remove water director duties the pay scale was changed, but I feel like the duties are still there to justify the original pay grade.


Resolution 2024-15:

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-15: A Resolution of the City of Sandersville, Georgia amending the job position classification and compensation plan to provide for a classification change in the Public Works Department. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously adjourned. (Attachment J)






Public Comment

Cassandra Jackson stated that she didn’t know there was a called meeting last week and questioned if going forward it could be posted on facebook.


Citizen Hazzie Brown stated that the airport should kill the grass on the runway at the airport to keep from having to mow the grass.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously adjourned.








View Documents

Jul 1, 2024

City Council Meetings



JULY 1, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda: (Attachment A)
    1. Adopt Minutes: June 17, 2024
    2. Adopt Resolution # 2024-13: A Resolution amending the schedule of fees and charges for the City of Sandersville.
    3. Adopt Resolution #2024-14: A Resolution appointing Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith as voting delegate on the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia election committee and the Electric Director Bryan Long as the alternate voting delegate.
    4. Approve the date of October 21, 2024 for the Budget Planning Session.
  1. Public Hearing:
    1. Request 2024-05; Request is a Special Exception/ Use to allow a church to be located in a C-2 zone (General Business). The property is located at 408 S. Hospital Rd., Sandersville, GA 31082, parcel # S37-014, owned by True Love Christian Fellowship Church. (Attachment B)
  2. Motion to approve or deny request 2024-05; Request is a Special Exception/Use to allow a church to be located in a C-2 zone, located at 408 S Hospital Rd.
  3. Motion to award a bid to Trees Unlimited, for the 2024 tree trimming services not to exceed $70,000. (Attachment C)
  4. Motion to award a bid to All Star Concrete, Inc., in the amount of $224,000 for the MLK Jr. Ave milling and resurfacing project. (Attachment D)
  5. Motion to waive the first reading of ordinance 2024-02: An ordinance amending the City of Sandersville, Georgia municipal code regarding finance procedures related to procurement. (Attachment E)
  6. Motion to authorize the City Manager to select and negotiate contracts for recruitment services for the Director of Public Works and the Finance Director in an amount not to exceed $40,000 except that the Mayor may authorize an additional $5,000 if necessary.


As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082.


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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

July 1, 2024- 5:00 p.m.

Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Bryan Long, Electric Director

Mayor Jeffery Smith                                               Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                   Lee Waddell, IT Director

Council Member Deborah Brown                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                           Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                             Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                               Dave Larson, Community Development


Mayor Andrews called the June 3, 2024, meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5:13 p.m.

Council Member Salter, gave the invocation and IT Director Waddell led the pledge to the American Flag.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment A)

  1. Adopt Minutes: June 17, 2024
  2. Adopt Resolution # 2024-13: A Resolution amending the schedule of fees and charges for the City of Sandersville.
  3. Adopt Resolution #2024-14: A Resolution appointing Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith as voting delegate on the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia election committee and the Electric Director Bryan Long as the alternate voting delegate.
  4. Approve the date of October 21, 2024 for the Budget Planning Session.

Public Hearing:

Council Member Salter made a motion to enter into a public hearing. Request 2024-05; Request is a Special Exception/ Use to allow a church to be located in a C-2 zone (General Business). The property is located at 408 S. Hospital Rd., Sandersville, GA 31082, parcel # S37-014, owned by True Love Christian Fellowship Church. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment B)

Mayor Andrews asked if anyone was present at the meeting to speak in favor or against the special exception request. There were no comments.

Motion to approve or deny request 2024-05;

Council Member Dennis made a motion to request a Special Exception/Use to allow a church to be located in a C-2 zone, located at 408 S Hospital Rd. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Tree Trimming Bid Award:

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to award a bid to Trees Unlimited, for the 2024 tree trimming services not to exceed $70,000. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  (Attachment C)

Milling and Resurfacing Bid:

Council Member Dennis made a motion to table a bid to All Star Concrete, Inc., in the amount of $224,000 for the MLK Jr. Ave milling and resurfacing project. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Ordinance 2024-02:

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to award a bid to All Star Concrete, Inc., in the amount of $224,000 for the MLK Jr. Ave milling and resurfacing project. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Recruitment Services:

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to authorize the City Manager to select and negotiate contracts for recruitment services for the Director of Public Works and the Finance Director in an amount not to exceed $40,000 except that the Mayor may authorize an additional $5,000 if necessary. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Andrews commented that the local candidate needs to be considered.

Public Comment:

Citizen Cassandra Jackson thanked the City for there participation in the Juneteenth event.

Citizen Frank Simmons requested that a sign for St. Galilee Church to be placed at Tybee Street and E. McCarty.

Citizen Cassandra Jackson introduced Juneteenth queen Jordan Bell to the council.

Citizen Frank Simmons thanked the Mayor and Council for getting all the improvements on Hines Street.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously adjourned.


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Jun 17, 2024

City Council Meetings



JUNE 17, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: June 3, 2024 minutes (Attachment A)
  4. Recognitions:

          Mural Presentation-Brentwood Students

  1. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda: (Attachment B)
    1. Adopt Resolution 2024-10: A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to communicate City decisions to MEAG for the Municipal Competitive Trust.
    2. Adopt Resolution#2024-11: A Resolution appointing Mayor Andrews as voting delegate for Municipal Electric Authority and City Manager Sharon Eveland as alternate voting delegate.
    3. Adopt Resolution #2024-12: A Resolution Declaring certain personal property of the City of Sandersville as surplus and authorizing its transfer to the Washington County Airport Authority.
  1. Motion to waive the Second reading and adopt Ordinance 2024-01; A Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council to annex certain properties into the City of Sandersville Georgia, under the 100% method and to assign zoning classifications to said properties. (Attachment C)
  2. Motion to direct the City Attorney to develop an Ordinance that requires Elected Officials to use City email addresses for the conduct of official business.
  3. Motion to end consulting services with Judy McCorkle. 
  4. Motion to adjourn.
  5. Public comment.

As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the Cityof Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082.


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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

June 17, 2024- 5:13 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                   Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                           Dave Larson, Community Development

Council Member Danny Brown                             Carson Daley, Main Street& DDA Director

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                             


Mayor Andrews called the June 3, 2024, meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5p.m.

Council Member Danny Brown, gave the invocation and Council Member Deborah Brown led the pledge to the American flag. 

Approval of Minutes: June 3, 2024 Minutes

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to approve the June 3, 2024 minutes as written. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Mayor Andrews welcomed City Manager Sharon Eveland ‘s husband Andrew Eveland to Sandersville. City Manager Eveland introduced Mr. Eveland to everyone.

Mayor Andrews recognized the art students of Brentwood School for restoring the 911 memorial mural. Main Street Director Carson Daley presented the art students with a certificate of appreciation for completing the mural.

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

Council Member Salter made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

  1. Adopt Resolution 2024-10: A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to communicate City decisions to MEAG for the Municipal Competitive Trust.
  2. Adopt Resolution#2024-11: A Resolution appointing Mayor Andrews as voting delegate for Municipal Electric Authority and City Manager Sharon Eveland as alternate voting delegate.

c.Adopt Resolution #2024-12: A Resolution Declaring certain personal property of the City of Sandersville as surplus and authorizing its transfer to the Washington County Airport Authority.

Motion to waive the Second reading and adopt Ordinance 2024-01

Council Member Salter made a motion to waive the Second reading and adopt Ordinance 2024-01; A Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council to annex certain properties into the City of Sandersville Georgia, under the 100% method and to assign zoning classifications to said properties as R-2. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion unanimously approved.

Council Member Dennis questioned why the zoning was not in the motion and needed to be to specify the zoning. City Manager Eveland explained the zoning R-2 was in the ordinance.

Motion to direct the City Attorney to develop an Ordinance that requires Elected Officials to use City email addresses for the conduct of official business.

City Manager Eveland explained that due to open records request the council members needed to have individual city email addresses to conduct city business. City Manager Eveland explained this could be done through ordinance or by policy. The council had discussion concerning the email addresses and unanimously decided to move forward with making this a policy going forward but not an ordinance.


Mayor Andrews explained that City Manager Eveland has been reviewed on all the projects the City has going on and has met mostly everyone involved in these projects, so previous Administrator Judy McCorkles services would no longer be needed.

Motion to end consulting services with Judy McCorkle.

Council Member Dennis made a motion to end consulting services with Judy McCorkle. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Council Member Dennis commented that she would like the Mayor to consider taking public comments before the meeting is adjourned. Mayor Andrews stated that he would take it under consideration.


With no further business, Council Member Salter made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned


View Documents

Jun 3, 2024

City Council Meetings



JUNE 3, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: May 20, 2024 minutes (Attachment A)
  4. Public Hearing:
    1. Request 2024-03; Request is a Zoning Variance for an accessory structure to remain that does not meet the required setback requirement for a corner lot. The property is located at 816 S Harris St., owned by Jet Food Stores. (Attachment B)
    2. Request for annexation into the City of Sandersville parcel 110A 050B, 1625 E. McCarty St. Sandersville, GA 31082, owned by Williard Cowart to be zoned R-2. (Attachment C)
  5. Motion to approve or deny Request 2024-03; Request is a Zoning Variance for an accessory structure to remain that does not meet the required setback requirement for a corner lot. The property is located at 816 S Harris St., owned by Jet Food Stores.
  6. Motion to waive the First reading of Ordinance 2024-01; A Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council to annex certain properties into the City of Sandersville Georgia, under the 100% method and to assign zoning classifications to said properties. (Attachment D)
  7. Motion to award a bid to Viking Construction Management in the amount of $35,500.00, for the culvert project on Crabapple Drive. (Attachment E)
  8. Motion to award a bid to Rental Solutions in the amount of $33,465, for a portable air compressor for the water department. (Attachment F)
  9. Motion to accept the Attached Exhibit B Indemnity Bond pursuant to Section 12 of the Contract for Electric Service dated January 24, 2024 between the City of Sandersville and Cleanspark, Inc. (the "Contract") subject to any and all written terms and conditions of said Contract,  including but not limited to the method detailed therein in Section 12 (D) regarding the refund of the cash deposit and the terms and conditions in Section 12(A) regarding any increase in the Security above the Indemnity Bond amount. (Attachment G)
  10. Motion to approve an in invoice in the amount of $33,010.70 to Greene’s Water Wells, for a new pump and motor for well# 11. (Attachment H)
  11. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-08: A Resolution declaring certain personal property of the City as surplus and authorizing its disposal through online auction by GovDeals or by disposal. (Attachment I)
  12. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-09: A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a loan agreement not to exceed $174,400, for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Administered by Georgia Environmental Finance Authority. (Attachment J)
  13. Motion to appoint Benji English from District 3 to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Trey Stewart expiring December 31, 2024.
  1. Motion to adjourn
  2. Public Comment

As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the Cityof Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082.


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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

June 3, 2024- 5:13 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                 Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                      Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                               Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                     Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                      Dave Larson, Community Development

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                  Bryan Long, Electric Director       


Mayor Andrews called the June 3, 2024, meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5:13 p.m..


Council Member Deborah Brown, gave the invocation and Attorney Howard led the pledge to the American flag. 


Approval of Minutes: May 20, 2024 Minutes

Council Member Salter made a motion to approve the May 20, 2024 minutes as written. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.


Public Hearing:

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to enter into a public hearing. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Request 2024-03; Request is a Zoning Variance for an accessory structure to remain that does not meet the required setback requirement for a corner lot. The property is located at 816 S Harris St., owned by Jet Food Stores.

Mayor Andrews asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak in favor of the request. Richard Daley of Jet Food Stores stated that the convenience store was trying to improve the area and would appreciate the council approving the request. There were no comments against the request.


Request for annexation into the City of Sandersville parcel 110A 050B, 1625 E. McCarty St. Sandersville, GA 31082, owned by Williard Cowart, to be zoned R-2.

Mayor Andrews asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of the request. Property owner Cowart stated he would like to be annexed into the city for the water and sewer services. There were no comments against the request.


Motion to approve Request 2024-03: Request is a Zoning Variance for property located at 816 S Harris St., owned by Jet Food Stores.

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to approve Request 2024-03; The Request is a Zoning Variance for an accessory structure to remain that does not meet the required setback requirement for a corner lot. The property is located at 816 S Harris St., owned by Jet Food Stores. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to waive the first reading of Ordinance 2024-01; An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council to annex certain properties into the City of Sandersville Georgia, under the 100% method and to assign zoning classifications to said properties.

Council Member Dennis made a motion to waive the first reading of Ordinance 2024-01; An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council to annex certain properties into the City of Sandersville, Georgia, under the 100% method and to assign zoning classifications to said properties. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to award a bid to Viking Construction Management in the amount of $35,500.00, for the culvert project on Crabapple Drive.

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to award bid to Viking Construction Management in the amount of $35,500.00 for the culvert project on Crabapple Dr. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to award a bid to Rental Solutions in the amount of $33,465, for a portable air compressor for the water department.

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to award a bid to Rental Solutions in the amount of $33,465, for a portable air compressor for the water department. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Council Member Danny Brown introduced Benji English who would be replacing board member Trey Stewart on the P&Z board. Mr.

English proceeded to introduce himself to the council.


Motion to appoint Benji English from District 3 to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Trey Stewart expiring December 31, 2024.

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to appoint Benji English from District 3 to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Trey Stewart expiring December 31, 2024. Council Member Ben Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to accept the attached Exhibit B Indemnity Bond pursuant to Section 12 of the Contract for Electric Service dated January 24, 2024 between the City of Sandersville and Cleanspark, Inc.

Council Member Salter made a motion to accept the attached Exhibit B Indemnity Bond pursuant to Section 12 of the Contract for Electric Service dated January 24, 2024 between the City of Sandersville and Cleanspark, Inc. (the "Contract") subject to any and all written terms and conditions of said Contract,  including but not limited to the method detailed therein in Section 12 (D) regarding the refund of the cash deposit and the terms and conditions in section 12(A) regarding any increase in the Security above the Indemnity Bond amount. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to approve an invoice in the amount of $33,010.70 to Greene’s Water Wells, for a new pump and motor for well# 11.

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve an invoice in the amount of $33,010.70 to Greene’s Water Wells, for a new pump and motor for well #11. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-08: A Resolution declaring certain personal property of the City as surplus and authorizing its disposal

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-08: A Resolution declaring certain personal property of the City as surplus and authorizing its disposal through online auction by GovDeals or by disposal. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-09: A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a loan agreement not to exceed $174,400, for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Administered by Georgia Environmental Finance Authority

Council Member Salter made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-09: A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a loan agreement not to exceed $174,400, for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Administered by Georgia Environmental Finance Authority. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



With no further business, Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned.


Public Comment:

Citizen Vivian Jones stated that there needed to be another Tybee Community Meeting. City Manager Eveland gave a brief update on the project stating there is still an easement that has not been signed and when there is more information to share a community meeting could be scheduled. 


Council Member Dennis asked if there were any updates concerning city fiber opportunities. City Manager Eveland stated that the City would need to consider having a firm to do an assessment of the system.



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May 20, 2024

City Council Meetings



MAY 20, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805

  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: May 6, 2024 minutes (Attachment A)
  4. Discussion regarding MEAG transformer load issue at substation #8 for CleanSpark project and consideration of authorization for Helton Electric Services to modify transformer links at a cost not to exceed $28,350. (Attachment B)
  5. Motion to enter into a rental property lease agreement with George Scott McCoy Jr. and Pendrey I. Mccoy, in the amount of $6,000 annually, for the placement of an electronic billboard sign. (Attachment C)
  6. Motion to rescind contract award to Peach State Construction Co., LLC in the amount of $418,675, for the M. Friedman sidewalk project.(Attachment D)
  7. Motion to award a quote to Vulcan Industries in the amount of $7,820, for the installation of the lamellas on the bar screen at the wastewater treatment plant. (Attachment E)
  8. Motion to approve a quote from Gresco in the amount of $6,150, for the purchase of three pole mounted transformers. (Attachment F)
  9. Motion to award a bid to ESG Engineers in the amount of $171,162, for lead and copper rule compliance services. (Attachment G)
  10. Motion to award a bid to Viking Construction in the amount of $11,147 to build a restroom at the Electric Department. (Attachment H)
  11. Motion to approve a quote from NAFECO in the amount of $6,125 for the purchase of fire hoses. (Attachment I)
  12. Motion to adjourn
  13. Other business.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council


As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the Cityof Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082.


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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

May 20, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                           Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                             Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                   Dave Larson, Community Development

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                               Bryan Long, Electric Director   

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                             Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

                                                                                Carson Daley, Mainstreet & DDA Director



Mayor Andrews called the May 20, 2024 meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order.


Council Member Dennis, gave the invocation and Major Shelton led the pledge to the American flag. 


Approval of Council Meeting Minutes

Council Member Salter made a motion to approve the May 6, 2024 council minutes with corrections. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to enter into a lease agreement

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to enter into a rental property lease agreement with George Scott McCoy Jr. and Pendrey I. Mccoy, in the amount of $6,000 annually, for the placement of an electronic billboard sign. Council Member Salter seconded. The motion carried with favorable votes from: Council Member Deborah Brown, Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Council Member Salter, and Council Member Dennis. Council Member Danny Brown abstained from the vote due to a personal business conflict.


Motion to rescind contract to Peach State Construction Co

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to rescind contract awarded to Peach State Construction Co., LLC in the amount of $418,675 for the M. Friedman sidewalk project. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to award a bid to Vulcan Industries

Council Member Dennis made a motion to award a quote to Vulcan Industries in the amount of $7,820, for the installation of the lamellas on the bar screen at the wastewater treatment plant. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to approve a quote from Gresco

Council Member Dennis made a motion to approve a quote from Gresco in the amount of $6,150, for the purchase of three pole mounted transformers. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.





Motion to award a bid to ESG Engineers

Council Member Salter made a motion to award a bid to ESG Engineers in the amount of $171,162, for lead and copper rule compliance services. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to award a bid to Viking Construction

Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to award a bid to Viking Construction in the amount of $11,147 to build a restroom at the Electric Department. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to approve a quote from NAFECO

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve a quote from NAFECO in the amount of $6,125 for the purchase of fire hoses. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Motion to award a bid to Helton Electric Services

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to approve an invoice quote not to exceed $28,350 to Helton Electric Services to modify transformer links at substation #8 for Clean Spark. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



With no further business, Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned.


Public Comment:

Citizen Kim Rapp stated that the City needs to figure out how to notify citizens when the water is going to be cut off in the Hines Street area. Rapp went on to state that not everyone does facebook and text messages. City Manager Eveland stated she would review the options with staff to help communicate issues to the public.


Frank Simmons of Hines Street stated that he is having issues with his driveway and he has brought it up several times and he really needs it fixed.


Citizen Cassandra Jackson announced the Juneteenth festival was coming up and explained the different events that would be taking place. Jackson invited the Mayor and Council Member Deborah Brown to come and they are welcome to say a few words at the event.


View Documents

May 6, 2024

City Council Meetings



MAY 6, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805

  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: April 15, 2024 minutes (Attachment A)
  4. Motion to enter into a Public Hearing: Request is a Zoning Change from C-2 (General Business) to R-2 (Single-Family Residence). The property is located at 506 S. Harris St. Sandersville, GA  31082, parcel #S21-060, owned by Nilesh Patel. (Attachment B)
  5. Motion to approve or deny Request #2024-02; Request is a Zoning Change from C-2 (General Business) to R-2 (Single-Family Residence). The property is located at 506 S. Harris St. Sandersville, GA  31082, parcel #S21-060, owned by Nilesh Patel.
  6. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-07: A Resolution of the City of Sandersville amending the Authorized Personnel Schedule and Job Position Classification and Compensation plan to provide for a Career Firefighter position in the Fire Department. (Attachment C)
  7. Motion to award a bid to Environmental Products Group in the amount of $203,700.00 for a leaf collector truck. (Attachment D)
  8. Motion to award a bid Bennett Fire Products in the amount of $22,800 for turnout gear for the Fire Department. (Attachment E)
  9. Motion to purchase additional cyber liability coverage in the amount of $16,000 from CFC. (Attachment F)
  10. Motion to award a bid to Gresco Utility in the amount of $11,455 for parking lot lights, $14,354.25 for materials and $17,895.00 for a 150KVA transformer for the Community Health Care Center located at 220 Morningside Dr. (Attachment G)
  11. Motion to quitclaim an undeveloped road parcel L, located in the industrial park to the Washington County Development Authority. (Attachment H)
  12. Motion to approve a lease quote with Enterprise Fleet Management for the purchase of a 2024 Ford Edge. (Attachment I)
  13. Motion to award a bid to Peach State Construction Co., LLC in the amount of $418,675 for the M. Friedman sidewalk project. (Attachment J)
  14. Motion to approve an emergency repair quote for a “8 water main valve at Meltblown Technologies.
  15. Other Business.
  16. Motion Adjourn.

As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082


View Documents

Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

May 6, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                           Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                             Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                               Dave Larson, Community Development-phone

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                              Bryan Long, Electric Director

                                                                                Victor Cuyler, Police Chief                               


Mayor Andrews called the May 6, 2024 meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order.

Mayor Pro Tem Smith, gave the invocation and Volunteer Assistant Chief Riner led the pledge to the American flag. 

Approval of Council Meeting Minutes

Council Member Salter made a motion to approve the April 15, 2024 council minutes with corrections. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Public Hearing:

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to enter into a Public Hearing: Request is a Zoning Change from C-2 (General Business) to R-2 (Single-Family Residence). The property is located at 506 S. Harris St. Sandersville, GA  31082, parcel #S21-060, owned by Nilesh Patel. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Andrews opened the public hearing, and asked if anyone was here to speak in favor of the zone change. Mr. Patel owner of the property explained that he was requesting the zone change from commercial to residential so that he could make the property his full-time residence. Mayor Andrews asked if anyone was here to speak in opposition of the request and there was none. Mayor Andrews closed the public hearing.

Motion to approve or deny Request #2024-02; Request is a Zoning Change from C-2 (General Business) to R-2 (Single-Family Residence).

Council Member Dennis made a motion to approve Request #2024-02. Request is a Zoning Change from C-2 (General Business) to R-2 (Single-Family Residence). The property is located at 506 S. Harris St. Sandersville, GA  31082, parcel #S21-060, owned by Nilesh Patel. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-07:

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-07: A Resolution of the City of Sandersville amending the Authorized Personnel Schedule and Job Position Classification and Compensation plan to provide for a Career Firefighter position in the Fire Department. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Motion to award a bid to Environmental Products Group

Council Member Salter made a motion to award a bid to Environmental Products Group in the amount of $203,700.00 for a leaf collector truck. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Motion to award a bid to Bennett Fire Products in the amount of $12,123 for turnout gear for the Fire Department

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to award a bid to Bennett Fire Products in the amount of $12,123 for turnout gear for the Fire Department. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Motion to purchase additional cyber liability coverage

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to purchase additional cyber liability coverage in the amount of $16,000 from CFC. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Motion to award a bid to Gresco Utility

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to award a bid to Gresco Utility in the amount of $11,455 for parking lot lights, $14,354.25 for materials and $17,895.00 for a 150KVA transformer for the Community Health Care Center located at 220 Morningside Dr. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Motion to quitclaim an undeveloped road to Washington County Development Authority.

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to quitclaim an undeveloped road parcel L, located in the industrial park to the Washington County Development Authority. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Motion to approve a lease quote with Enterprise Fleet Management

Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to approve a lease quote with Enterprise Fleet Management for the purchase of a 2024 Ford Edge. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Motion to award a bid to Peach State Construction Co., LLC

Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to award a bid to Peach State Construction Co., LLC in the amount of $418,675 for the M. Friedman sidewalk project. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Motion to approve an emergency repair quote

Council Member Salter made a motion to approve an emergency repair quote for up to $32,000 for a 10” valve and sleeve at Meltblown Technologies. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


With no further business, Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Dennis seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned.



View Documents

Apr 15, 2024

City Council Meetings




APRIL 15, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: April 1, 2024 (Attachment A)
  4. Motion to refund Cleanspark for the electric deposit on file in the amount of $2,940,512.56 in exchange for a $5,000,000.00 bond approved on January 24, 2024.
  5. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-06: A Resolution adopting Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan (Attachment B)
  6. Motion to award a bid to Billy Buckland Paving in the amount of $12,000 for Resurface of Hillcrest St., Evergreen Circle and restripe section of W. Haynes St and parking area. (Attachment C)
  7. Motion to award a bid to SWW Constructions, LLC in the amount of $73,890 for paving city parking lot off of Gilmore St. (Attachment D)


As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082. 






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Sandersville City Council

Meeting Minutes

April 15, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                    Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Ben Salter                                       Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                                 Alex Lowe, Water Wastewater Director

Council Member Mayme Dennis                               Bryan Long, Electrical Director

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                 


Mayor Andrews called the April 15, 2024 meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5 p.m.

Mayor Andrews gave the invocation and Fire Chief Boatright led the pledge to the American flag.

Mayor Andrews announced that it was Lineman appreciation week. The Mayor and Council thanked the lineman for their dedication to the City of Sandersville.


Council Member Salter made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 1, 2024, council meeting. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment A)


Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to table refunding Cleanspark for the electric deposit on file in the amount of $2,940,512.56 in exchange for a $5,000,000.00 bond approved on January 24, 2024. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Council Member Dennis made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-06 Adopting a Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment B)


Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to award a bid to Billy Buckland Paving in the amount of $13,000 for the resurfacing of Hillcrest St., Evergreen Circle, and to restripe a section of W. Haynes St., parking area and Harrison St. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment C)


Council Member Dennis made a motion to award a bid to SWW Constructions, LLC in the amount of $73,890 for paving city parking lot off of Gilmore St. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Attachment D)


Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to approve charging the wholesale water rate to the Washington County Board of Commissioners for the splash pad. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


With no further business, Council Member Dennis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Salter seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned.


View Documents

Apr 1, 2024

City Council Meetings




APRIL 1, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Recognitions:

             Sandersville Tree Board

            Sandersville Garden Club

  1. Approval of Minutes: March 18, 2024 minutes (Attachment A)
  2. Motion to award a bid to Helton Electric in the amount of $74,392 for electric pole change out citywide. (Attachment B)
  3. Motion to approve or deny renewing a contract with the City of Toomsboro for Animal Control Services beginning April 1, 2024 and ending October 1, 2024. (Attachment C)
  4. Motion to approve or deny an ownership change to the Alcohol License at 703 S Harris St. for Lucky 2024 LLC. (Attachment D)
  5. Motion to retain consulting services with Judy McCorkle as needed at her current hourly rate.
  6. Motion to adopt Resolution #2024-05: A resolution authorizing the transfer of funds from the city’s pooled cash operating account to the City’s Georgia Fund One account
  7. Motion to enter into executive session to discuss real estate. (Attachment E)
  8. Motion to adjourn.
  9. Other Business



As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the Cityof Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082


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Sandersville City Council

Meeting Minutes

April 1, 2024- 4:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                    Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Ben Salter                                       Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                                 Alex Lowe, Water Wastewater Director

Judy McCorkle, City Administrator                           Bryan Long, Electrical Director


Mayor Andrews called the April 1, 2024 meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4pm.

City Administrator Judy McCorkle, gave the invocation and Chief Cuyler led the pledge to the American flag. 


Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 18, 2024, council meeting. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to award a bid to Helton Electric in the amount of $74,392 for electric pole change out citywide. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve or deny renewing a contract with the City of Toomsboro for Animal Control Services beginning April 1, 2024 and ending October 1, 2024. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to approve or deny an ownership change to the Alcohol License at 703 S Harris St. for Lucky 2024 LLC. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to retain consulting services with Judy McCorkle as needed at her current hourly rate. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Council Member Salter made a motion to adopt Resolution #2024-05: A resolution authorizing the transfer of funds from the city’s pooled cash operating account to the City’s Georgia Fund One account. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to enter into executive session. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Council Member Brown made a motion to authorize the Public Facilities Authority to transfer ownership of the Shared Services Center facility to the University Systems of Georgia, contingent on the Washington County Commissioners agreement to the same, for pre-payment of all rents to fully satisfy the remainder of the lease agreement and any other associated expense. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


With no further business, Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Dennis seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned.



View Documents

Mar 18, 2024

City Council Meetings



MARCH 18, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805

  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the March 4, 2024 minutes. (Attachment A)
  4. Motion authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Intergovernmental Agreement for additional recreational infrastructure and services at Linton Park with the Washington County Board of Commissioners. (Attachment B)
  5. Motion to approve an invoice in the amount of $7,000 to InfraMappa for Infrastructure Utility Mapping. (Attachment C)
  6. Motion to pay an invoice to M.W. Collins Inc. in the amount of $35,000 for leaf and limb grinding. (Attachment D)
  7. Motion to approve Resolution 2024-04: A Resolution amending the Authorized Personnel Schedule for the City of Sandersville. (Attachment E)

As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the Cityof Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The Town of Braselton will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082


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Sandersville City Council

Meeting Minutes

March 18, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                    Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                               Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                                 Alex Lowe, Water Wastewater Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                       Bryan Long, Electrical Director

Judy McCorkle, City Administrator                          


Mayor Andrews called the March 18, 2024 meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order.

Council Member Ben Salter, gave the invocation and citizen Eddie Mae Miller led the pledge to the American flag. 


Council Member Salter made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 4, 2024, council meeting. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Intergovernmental Agreement for additional recreational infrastructure and services at Linton Park with the Washington County Board of Commissioners. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Council Member Dennis made a motion to approve an invoice in the amount of $7,000 to InfraMappa for Infrastructure Utility Mapping. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to pay an invoice to M.W. Collins Inc. in the amount of $35,000 for leaf and limb grinding. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Council Member Deborah Brown made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-04: A Resolution amending the Authorized Personnel Schedule for the City of Sandersville. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Council Member Dennis questioned when speed cameras would be installed in the school zones. Chief Cuyler stated there would a 30 day grace period before any citations would be issued by the cameras.

Mrs. Brenda Wells addressed the council stating that speeding was very dangerous on Sun Hill Rd. Mrs. Wells stated she was very concerned and would like to request speed humps especially in front of the day care area.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to enter into executive session. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to authorize recruiter Tom Berry to negotiate a contract with Sharon Eveland for the City Manager position. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


With no further business, Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Dennis seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned.


View Documents

Mar 4, 2024

City Council Meetings



MARCH 4, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: 6609805

  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: February 20, 2024 (Attachment A)
  4. Public hearing #2024-01 Request to approve/deny a zone change request for 310 Warthen St.  Request is zone change from R-2(Single Family) to R-3(Multi-Family) owned by Sumana Brahman. (Attachment B)
  5. Motion to approve/deny a zone change request for 310 Warthen St.  Request is zone change from R-2(Single Family) to R-3(Multi-Family) owned by Sumana Brahman.
  6. Motion to approve or deny an application for the retail sale of beer and wine for Family Dollar Stores of Georgia, LLC at 301 S Harris St. (Attachment C)
  7. Motion to approve or deny an ownership change to the alcohol license at 703 S Harris St. for Lucky 2024 LLC. (Attachment D)
  8. Motion to award a bid to Central Fence Co, Inc. in the amount of $6,981 for the installation of a fence on Beck Blvd. (Attachment E)
  9. Motion to approve open containers for downtown events on March 22nd, April 6th, and April 20th.
  10. Motion to pay an invoice to WACO Electric in the amount of $9,460.62 for emergency repair at the Ferncrest Dr. Water Plant. (Attachment F)
  11. Motion to make a specific standing purchasing amendment to our ordinances, which shall be an exception to our ordinance requiring formal sealed bids for purchases over $10,000, for the Electric Department to purchase additional transformers and materials as needed for current customers' and new costumers' construction projects and construction additions that require new transformers and new service, often on short notice to the Electric Department, which said transformers' cost will ultimately be reimbursed by the customer for said construction projects. 
  12. Motion to award a bid for fertilizer for land application sites to Smith Farm for the T-Sites in the amount of $30,340.00 and to Producers Ag for the H-Sites in the amount of $12,605. (Attachment G)
  13. Other Business 
  14. Motion to adjourn.

View Documents

Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

March 4, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                    Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                               Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                                 Alex Lowe, Water Wastewater Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                       Dave Larson, Community Development

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                  Bryan Long, Electrical Director

Judy McCorkle, City Administrator                                                                                     


Mayor Andrews called the March 4, 2024 meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order.


Council Member Danny Brown, gave the invocation and citizen Willie Ann Montford led the pledge to the American flag. 



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 20, 2024, council meeting. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Salter made a motion to enter into a public hearing. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Public Hearing Request:

 #2024-01 Request to approve/deny a zone change request for 310 Warthen St.  Request is zone change from R-2(Single Family) to R-3(Multi-Family) owned by Sumana Brahman.


Mayor Andrews asked Community Development Director Larson to explain the request. Director Larson stated that this request was denied by the Planning and Zoning board. Director Larson went on to state that he did not recommend the city approving the change. Citizen Susan Lewis stated that there was another request on Church St. under the same circumstances and it was denied.


Mayor Andrews asked if there was anyone else that would like to speak in favor. Director Larson stated the property owner was on the zoom meeting but is no longer on the meeting. Mayor Andrews asked for a motion.



Council Member Salter made a motion to approve/deny a zone change request for 310 Warthen St.  Request is zone change from R-2(Single Family) to R-3(Multi-Family) owned by Sumana Brahman. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to approve an application for the retail sale of beer and wine for Family Dollar Stores of Georgia, LLC at 301 S Harris St. Council Member Danny Brown seconded the motion. The motion passed with favorable votes from: Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Council Member Danny Brown, and Council Member Salter. Council Member Dennis, and Council Member Deborah Brown voted against the motion.



Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to table an ownership change to the alcohol license at 703 S Harris St. for Lucky 2024 LLC. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Salter made a motion to award a bid to Central Fence Co, Inc. in the amount of $6,981 for the installation of a fence on Beck Blvd. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to approve open containers for downtown events on March 22nd, April 6th, and April 20th. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed with favorable votes from: Council Member Danny Brown, Mayor Pro Tem Smith, and Council Member Salter. Council Member Dennis, and Council Member Deborah Brown voted against the motion.



Council Member Dennis made a motion to pay an invoice to WACO Electric in the amount of $9,460.62 for emergency repair at the Ferncrest Dr. Water Plant. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to make a specific standing purchasing amendment to our ordinances, which shall be an exception to our ordinance requiring formal sealed bids for purchases over $10,000, for the Electric Department to purchase additional transformers and materials as needed for current customers' and new costumers' construction projects and construction additions that require new transformers and new service, often on short notice to the Electric Department, which said transformers' cost will ultimately be reimbursed by the customer for said construction projects. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to award a bid for fertilizer for land application sites to Smith Farm for the T-Sites in the amount of $30,340.00 and to Producers Ag for the H-Sites in the amount of $12,605. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Citizen Lonard Jordan asked Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith to read a news report interview from Administrator McCorkle concerning the bitcoin industry. Mayor Pro Tem Smith read the interview. Citizen Jordan stated that he wanted everyone to know where he got the information about bitcoin from. Jordan also stated that he felt that he was discriminated against at a recent council meeting.


David Tyre with Turnipseed Engineers apologized for a recent document that was added to the last agenda by mistake pertaining to lead service line inventory. He went on to state that this was not Director Eubanks error.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith responded to Mr. Jordans comments concerning the bitcoin revenue.



With no further business, Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Brown seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned.


View Documents

Feb 20, 2024

City Council Meetings



FEBRUARY 20, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: January 16, 2024, January 24, 2024 and January 30, 2024 minutes (Attachment A)
  4. Motion to appoint Jason Boatright as Sandersville Fire Chief.
  5. Motion to award a bid to Blue Line Solutions for school zone speed detection. (Attachment B)
  6. Motion to pay invoice to H. Com Inc., in the amount of $12,840 for damaged fiber.(Attachment C)
  7. Motion to award a bid to Beach Timber Company in the amount of $8,700 for power poles inventory stock. (Attachment D)
  8. Motion to award a bid to Turnipseed Engineers in the amount of $86,814 for Phase I and Phase II for Lead Service Line Inventory. (Attachment E)
  9. Motion to approve or deny an application for the retail sale of beer and wine for Family Dollar Stores of Georgia, LLC at 301 S Harris St. (Attachment F)
  10. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-02: A Resolution to adopt the second budget amendment to the fiscal year 2023. (Attachment G)
  11. Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-03: A Resolution amending the rate schedule for the electric fund of the City of Sandersville to include a public electric vehicle (EV) charging service rate. (Attachment H)
  12. Motion to adjourn.


View Documents

Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

February 20, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                    Carson Daley, DDA/ Mainstreet

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                               Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                                 Nathan Riner, Interim Fire Chief

Judy McCorkle, City Administrator                           Dave Larson, Community Development

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                 


Mayor Andrews called the February 20, 2024 meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order.


Council Member Deborah Brown, gave the invocation and Citizen Kathy Jackson led the pledge to the American flag.  Citizen Kathy Jackson presented the council with a plaque of the pledge to be mounted on the wall next to the flag.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 16, 2024, January 24, 2024 and January 30, 2024 minutes council meetings. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to appoint Jason Boatright as Sandersville Fire Chief. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Dennis made a motion to award a bid to Blue Line Solutions for school zone speed detection. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Dennis made a motion to pay invoice to H. Com Inc., in the amount of $12,840 for damaged fiber. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to award a bid to Beach Timber Company in the amount of $8,700 for power poles inventory stock. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to table a bid to Turnipseed Engineers in the amount of $86,814 for Phase I and Phase II for Lead Service Line Inventory. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Dennis made a motion to table an application for the retail sale of beer and wine for Family Dollar Stores of Georgia, LLC at 301 S Harris St. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Council Member Dennis stated that she has recently been to a conference and there was a lot of discussion about dollar stores trying to sell alcohol. Council Member Dennis stated it was discussed that this has negative impact on the low income community. Council Member Dennis stated that the council needed to think and have further discussion before approving this license. Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that he was not sure that we could pick and choose who would receive alcohol licenses, and this may be something the city attorney would need to look into.




Council Member Brown made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-02: A Resolution to adopt the second budget amendment to the fiscal year 2023. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-03: A Resolution amending the rate schedule for the electric fund of the City of Sandersville to include a public electric vehicle (EV) charging service rate. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Administrator McCorkle stated that the fee structure for EV Charging stations were recommended by ECG. The council had discussion on the chagrining stations and stated that the city should only charge for the new fast chagrining station.





Council Member Dennis made a motion to pay an invoice in the amount of $10,000 to Southeast Custom Crushing, LLC for crushing concrete at the salvation army property. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Brown made a motion to pay an invoice in the amount of $6,500 to GMC for a bio-solid report. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Citizens with concerns about Hunters Run Apartments approached the council and wanted to know the status of the sidewalk that was suppose to be put in on M. Friedman Dr. Director Eubanks stated an engineer is in the process of quoting a bid now. Citizens requested more periodic security checks at Hunters Run Apartments without having to call 911 for dispatch.



With no further business, Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Dennis seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned.








View Documents

Jan 16, 2024

City Council Meetings



JANUARY 16, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805

  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Approval of Minutes: December 18, 2023 and January 2, 2024 minutes (Attachment A)
  4. Resolution #2024-01: A Resolution authorizing the introduction of legislation to change the City Charter of the City of Sandersville, Georgia to provide for a council-manager form of Government and to stagger election terms for City Council members. (Attachment B)
  5. Motion to pay an invoice in the amount of $24,029.57 to the Washington County Board of Commissioners for the 2024 Election. (Attachment C)
  6. Motion to pay an invoice to L&L Utilities, Inc for pressure washing Ferncrest Ground Storage Tank in the amount of $7,411. (Attachment D)
  7. Motion to approve Change Order No. Three to L&L Utilities, Inc to adjust contract time for the South Water Treatment Plant project. (Attachment E)
  8. Motion to approve Change Order No. Three to L&L Utilities, Inc to adjust contract time for the Sewerage System Improvements, Division Two Project. (Attachment F)
  9. Motion to award a sole source bid to Vulcan Industries, Inc in the amount of $60,378.90 for replacement equipment and parts for Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Attachment G)
  10. Motion to pay an invoice to Government Tax Services, LLC in the amount of $8,710.00 for the 2023 Tax Collection fees. (Attachment H)
  11. Motion to allow open containers at the downtown Main Street event on February 2, 2024.
  12. Motion to award a bid to Blue Line Solutions for school zone speed detection. (Attachment I)
  13. Motion to pay an invoice to Axon Enterprise Inc. in the amount of $14,978 for the 2020 Taser 7 Certification bundle.
  14. Motion to enter into executive session to discuss property and legal.
  15. Motion to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a quitclaim deed between The City of Sandersville and the Development Authority of Washington County for property at the industrial park. (Attachment J)
  16. Motion to adjourn.




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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

January 16, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                    Alex Lowe, Water Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                       Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                               Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                                 Nathan Riner, Interim Fire Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Dave Larson, Community Development

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                  Carson Daley, DDA/Mainstreet

Judy McCorkle, City Administrator  


Mayor Andrews called the January 16, 2024 meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order.


Mayor Jimmy Andrews, gave the invocation and Development Authority Director Jayson Johnston led the pledge to the American flag. 



Council Member Salter made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2023 and January 2, 2024 council meetings. Council Member Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to table Resolution #2024-01: A Resolution authorizing the introduction of legislation to change the City Charter of the City of Sandersville, Georgia to provide for a council-manager form of Government and to stagger election terms for City Council members. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Salter made a motion to pay an invoice in the amount of $24,029.57 to the Washington County Board of Commissioners for the 2024 Election. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Dennis made a motion to pay an invoice to L&L Utilities, Inc for pressure washing Ferncrest Ground Storage Tank in the amount of $7,411. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.





Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to approve Change Order No. Three to L&L Utilities, Inc to adjust contract time for the South Water Treatment Plant project. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Salter made a motion to approve Change Order No. Three to L&L Utilities, Inc to adjust contract time for the Sewerage System Improvements, Division Two Project. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Dennis made a motion to award a sole source bid to Vulcan Industries, Inc in the amount of $60,378.90 for replacement equipment and parts for Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Dennis made a motion to pay an invoice to Government Tax Services, LLC in the amount of $8,710.00 for the 2023 Tax Collection fees. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to allow open containers at the downtown Main Street event on February 2, 2024. Council member Salter seconded and the motion passed with favorable votes from: Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Council Member Salter, Council Member Danny Brown, Council Member Deborah Brown. Council Member Dennis voted against the motion.



Council Member Salter made a motion to pay an invoice to Axon Enterprise Inc. in the amount of $14,978 for the 2020 Taser 7 Certification bundle. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed with favorable votes from: Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Council Member Salter, Council Member Danny Brown, Council Member Deborah Brown. Council Member Dennis voted against the motion.




Council Member Salter made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss property and legal. Council Member Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.




Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to pay an invoice in the amount of $6,227.50 to Autry, Hall, & Cook for legal work for the Cleanspark Contract. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a quitclaim deed between The City of Sandersville and the Development Authority of Washington County for property at the industrial park. Council Member Salter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to retain the professional services of Triple Point,

Daven port and Seaforth Shaw to help with the process of a economic development project. Council Member Dennis seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.



Council Member Dennis made a motion to approve Jayson Johnston with the Washington County Development Authority to create recruitment incentives for an economic development project. Council Member Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



With no further business, Council Member Dennis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Salter seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned.


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City Council Meetings Called

Aug 12, 2024

City Council Meetings Called






AUGUST 12, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805



  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Discussion of Purchasing and Procurement Policy and Ordinance
  3. Motion to Adjourn



As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082 


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Sandersville City Council

Called Working Session Minutes

August 12, 2024 – 5:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Mayor Jeffery Smith                                               Brianna Wiley, Former Finance Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                  

Council Member Deborah Brown                         

Council Member Mayme Dennis                

Council Member Danny Brown                            

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                              

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                 


Mayor Andrews called the August 12, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 5:00 p.m.


City Manager Eveland provided the council with the proposed purchasing policy and the proposed ordinance changes.  City Manager Eveland reviewed changes with the council and answered council questions regarding the policy. City Attorney Howard reviewed the council on the legal changes in the policy and answered questions. Former Finance Director Brianna Wiley explained to the council that the policy has been a work in progress for a long time and the purpose of the policy is to make work for all departments more efficient. The council continued to ask questions for better clarification and no action was taken.


Mayor Andrews adjourned the meeting.





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Jul 11, 2024

City Council Meetings Called


 Ethics hearing regarding Councilmember Mayme Dennis

JULY 11, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


Mayor – Calls the hearing to order.   


Mayor – Asks City Attorney for opening statement.


Mayor – Asks Mayme Dennis for opening statement.


**Mayor – Calls on the City’s for their case -Defendant may cross examine each witness at this time.


**Mayor – Calls on Mayme Dennis to present her case.


**Mayor- Calls on City for any rebuttal


Mayor – Calls on each side for a short closing statement.  City may choose to go second.


Mayor – Calls for a motion to enter into executive session to deliberate.


City Council deliberates in executive session.


City Council reconvenes and renders a decision.




**Any Council Member may ask questions












Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council



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Sandersville City Council

Called Ethics Hearing Council Member Mayme Dennis

July 11, 2024 – 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers


Council Members and City Employees present:       

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                         Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                               Keenan Howard, City Attorney

Council Member Deborah Brown                                      

Council Member Danny Brown                                        

Council Member Mayme Dennis      
Council Member Ben Salter        



Mayor Andrews called the July 11, 2024 the Ethics Hearing to order.


Mayor Andrews called on Attorney Brandon Bowen for opening statements. Attorney Brandon Bowen explained he was asked to investigate allegations brought forward concerning Council Member Mayme Dennis voting on matters that she had a personal financial interest in, specifically regarding a CDBG project that is intended to alleviate flooding in the Tybee community. Attorney Bowen went on to explain that this process involved acquisitions, easements of property and construction of some flood control devices, retention ponds and order to alleviate the flooding. I have reviewed the city's file materials on that. The publicly available records, the Charter of the City and the codes of the city. And it is my conclusion that that did in fact happen. I have viewed the charter of the city and codes and have researched and it does appear this did happen. Attorney Bowen stated that he will share these exhibits and documents as the hearing progresses.


Attorney Adam Nelson introduced himself and stated he was here representing Council Member Mayme Dennis. Attorney Nelson went on to explain that he wanted to be very clear about the provisions in the charter, there are obviously some things that it is important, and the information you receive you need to understand. The word knowingly comes up often, make sure you understand the context and you understand Council Member Dennis perspective to why it was done. Attorney Nelson stated that it is important from Council Member Dennis's perspective, she understands that she's wearing two hats today. She's acting both as a Council member and an individual. My goal for you as Council members is to understand that just because we do things in our individual capacity, it doesn't necessarily mean we're doing in our council capacity and though there are restrictions on how you're supposed to do those things, it's important to know that the language that is in these ordinances and codes makes clear that you've got to have the mental position in order to be responsible under those. Attorney Nelson went on to state, I don't think we'll have a whole lot of disagreement on a lot of the facts here, but some of the witnesses we’ll call, will deal with context.


Attorney Bowen explained how he handled the investigation and the key charter provisions that are key to this case. Attorney Bowen read the charter provisions. Attorney Bowen explained the Key Charter provisions and code provisions that are applicable, beginning with section. 2.16 A, it provides that no elected official, appointed officer or employee of the city or any agency or political any to which the Charter applies, shall knowingly, engage in any business transaction or have the financial or other personal interests, director and direct, which is incompatible with the proper discharge of the official duties, or which would tend to impair the independence of his judgment or action performance of his official duties, so you cannot engage in business transactions. The Charter also talks about the importance of disclosure in section 2.16 B. It provides that any elected official who has any private interest directed or indirectly in any contract or matter pending before the city shall disclose before voting. Such private interest to the City Council. As you know, shall is a word of command. We have to do that if you have a private financial interest in a matter before the City Council, you have to disclose that to the City Council and that paragraph goes on further to require disclosure be made publicly and entered into the Minutes, so the public as well knows that there is a private financial interest on the part of the Council member, and afterwards that Council member is disqualified from participating in any vote thereon. Lastly, I point you to section 2.16 G. Any city officer who knowingly conceals such a financial interest or knowingly violates any of the requirements of this section shall be guilty of malfeasance in office and shall be deemed to have forfeited the position. Attorney Bowen stated next, I want to turn to your Code of ethics. The Code of ethics really echoes the same things that the Charter says for instance, in section 2-6-4B it provides that no Council member or member of any board Commission in which they have a substantial interest, shall fail to disclose to the common good for the record such interest prior to any discussion or vote. So again, if you have a financial interest or a substantial interest in the project you can't vote on it, you have to disclose it. Then section 2-6-5, conflicts of interest, says prohibition of conflict of interest. A city official may not participate in a vote or decision affecting a person, entity or property in which the official or the employee has a substantial interest. Attorney Bowen then passed out relevant exhibits to the council. Attorney Bowen exhibit B is a memo that stated the city has worked with the regional Commission to CDBG Block grant to fund a project to reduce flooding and improve conditions in the TYBEE Community of Sandersville. One of the key elements of that project is to obtain and construct a detention pond on tax parcel S28 198, that's the key parcel in this case, it's key Parcel in the project and you'll see why in a moment. This parcel is the southwest corner of the corner of McCarty St. and Oak St. As you know, this project is ongoing for several years.  Attorney Bowen stated on September 22, 2023, there was a public hearing that Council Member Dennis was present and participated in her role as a Council person. She gave her address at the meeting as 306 Hines St. which is not part of the area that is covered by this CDBG project. She explained that the CDBG project needed to be reduced because of cost expressed an understanding of the project both what was to be done, which she referred to as phase A, and what was to be removed, which was described as phase two, with the idea that at a later date phase two would be accomplished. Plans showing the entirety of the project and the area to be removed from the project were present, and those plans clearly show the parcel at the southwest corner of Oak Street and McCarty St. to be the site of a detention pond for the project. This shows that Mrs. Dennis understood that this project impacted the property she had purchased. Attorney Bowen explained the importance of the map and that you understand is it very plainly at the southwest corner of the intersection of Oak Street and McCarty St. there is a large detention pond as seen in Exhibit H.  Attorney Bowen stated that Mr. Tyree, with Turnip Seed Engineering is here and he'll be able to explain it better than I can, but essentially the problem in the Tybee community is that there's a lack of retention area, so the idea behind the project is to create a detention area to alleviate flooding. Attorney Bowen explained what no one knew on September 22nd and what Council Member Dennis does not identify on the records, is that approximately a week beforehand on September 14, 2023, she purchased that lot at the southwest corner of Oak Street and McCarty St. and she paid $17,300.00 for it. The plat is referenced in the deed It shows unambiguously that it is the southwest corner of Oak Street and McCartey St. That is all included in Exhibit C, which are certified deed records from your clerk of Superior Court. Attorney Bowen stated that at the October 16, 2023 council meeting Council Member Dennis made a motion to adopt resolution to award contract for construction in the amount of $1,624,907.00, so that this TYBEE Community project could be performed. The minutes reflect that Council Member Dennis did not disclose at that time her ownership interest in the essential property to make the project happen. 

Attorney Bowen stated once the project was approved Regional Commission Consultant Anne Floyd, began the project by working on easements and discovered that Council Member Dennis purchased the property that was essential to make the project work.


Attorney Bowen called consultant Ann Floyd to the stand to review the council discovery of the conflict. Consultant Anne Floyd explained that the City has been trying for years to address housing in the Tybee Community, but due to it being in a floodplain, housing could not be addressed until the flooding was addressed. Consultant Floyd went on to explain that Council Member Dennis was very helpful and active in the public meetings, stating that she even made a copy of the map to pass out at the meeting to be sure the project was understandable. Consultant Floyd contacted DCA as soon as she discovered the conflict with Council Member Dennis and tried to find several ways to correct the problem but couldn’t. Consultant Floyd stated she is unsure if DCA will require the City to pay the money back due to the conflict and it is my job to keep the city in compliance. Consultant Floyd also stated that without this property the project will be less effective and houses will still flood every time there is a hard rain.


Attorney Nelson questioned Consultant Floyd on the grant process. Attorney Nelson questioned Consultant Floyd about the detention pond and clarification on the size of the pond on the lot. Attorney Nelson questioned Consultant Floyd if she has ever had this instance come up before in her grant writing history with DCA. Consultant Floyd responded that DCA has not had this happen, where the easement would not be given. DCA hopes that the local level will be able to address this. Consultant Floyd explained she contacted DCA as soon as she discovered the conflict with Council Member Dennis and tried to find several ways to correct the problem but couldn’t. Consultant Floyd stated she is unsure if DCA will require the City to pay the money back due to the conflict and it is my job to keep the city in compliance. Consultant Floyd also stated that without this property the project will less effective and houses will still flood every time there is a hard rain.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated I want to clarify that I understood that if this project ends up not functioning or partially functioning DCA or HUD, could require the return of the money, meaning that the city would have to reimburse the agency for our grant funding.  Consultant Floyd stated that yes the grant was $750,000 but maybe they would prorate it. Mayor Andrews explained that his understanding was that the flooding on four of the properties in the Tybee Community would still experience flooding if the detention pond was not put in. Council Member Brown questioned what legal ramifications would come back on the city if we did not complete the project the way it was intended to and correct the flooding for these four properties. Consultant Floyd responded this would be a lawyer question.


Attorney Bowen then called the city’s engineer for the project David Tyree of Turnipseed Engineers. Engineer Tyree explained the project and how the detention pond would prevent flooding, Engineer Tyree also explained a ditch that would carry the water into the system on McCarty Street could be another method that may not work as good but could be a solution for the residence, however it could cause an issue for the City. Engineer Tyree explained that this method would still require an easement from Council Member Dennis. Engineer Tyree explained that the houses on Tybee that flood so badly were the pictures that were submitted to DCA to award the project.

Attorney Nelson questioned if that it had always been in the plan to have a retention pond. Engineer Tyree stated that the pond was the best option to fix the issues. Attorney Nelson questioned about the cost of the acquisitions of properties, and also questioned about his communication with Council Member Dennis throughout the project. Engineer Tyree explained that he spoke with Council Member Dennis at council meetings and public hearings. Attorney Nelson then asked if Engineer Tyree had spoken with Council Member Dennis after he found out she owned the property, Tyree stated that he had not spoken with her. Council Member Brown stated that he was at both public meetings concerning the project and it was clear what had to be done and everyone was helpful and aware of what had to be done. Mayor Pro Tem Smith questioned Engineer Tyree how much of Council Member Dennis’s property would be taken up if the ditch was put in. Engineer Tyree then explained how much of the property the ditch would take and how it would work.

Attorney Nelson called witness Tammy Stephens to the stand. Tammy Stephens introduced herself as being a relator for Council Member Dennis. Witness Stephens explained she sold the property to Council Member Dennis stating that she has been wanting the property for several years.  Attorney Nelson questioned if Witness Stephens knew the city was doing a project for this particular property to help with flooding issues in the Tybee community, Witness Stephens stated that she was not aware of the project.

Attorney Nelson called witness Moria McNeil-Acree to the stand. Witness McNeil-Acree introduced herself as Council Member Dennis’s sister. Witness McNeil-Acree went on to state that Council Member Dennis has been wanting this property for years approximately since 1994, and since it was commercial property she wanted to put an office on the property. Attorney Nelson questioned Witness McNeil-Acree if she was aware of the plans for the detention pond, Witness McNeil-Acree explained that Council Member Dennis didn’t discuss city business with her. Attorney Bowen then questioned Witness McNeil-Acree when she became aware the Council Member Dennis was purchasing the property. Witness McNeil-Acree stated that she saw it on facebook.

Attorney Nelson called witness Vivian Jones to the stand. Witness Jones introduced herself as having family who lives on Hines Street and stated she was raised in that community. Witness Jones explained she has been attending the meetings and keeping notes concerning the project.  Attorney Nelson questioned if witness Jones was aware Council Member owned the property in which the detention pond was going to be, witness Jones stated that she did not know Council Member Dennis purchased the property and that she never knew a detention pond was apart of the project.

Attorney Nelson called Kelvin Jordan who lives in the project here as a witness. Witness Jordan explained his view of the process and the confusion of the meetings concerning the project. Witness Jordan explained his frustration of the construction crew that was doing the project and how they parked equipment in his yard for months and did not pay. Witness Jordan explained that Council Member Dennis was good person. Attorney Nelson asked Witness Jordan if he ever heard of McCarty Street being a part of the project and he explained he never heard McCarty was apart of the project. Attorney Bowen showed the map of the project and questioned Witness Jordan if he could show on the map where his property was.

Attorney Nelson asked witness Marvin Harris to the stand. Witness Harris spoke of Council Member Dennis’s  character stating he has known  her for many years and he has a great deal of respect for her and been a champion of the community.

Attorney Nelson called Council Member Dennis to the stand. Council Member Dennis explained she has been on the council for 34 years and I have always bought and sold property. Council Member Dennis went on to state that she never new East McCarty Street was involved in the project. Attorney Nelson questioned when did Council Member Dennis become interested in the property on East McCarty and Oak St. Council Member Dennis explained she has been looking that the property since the 90’s explaining that she never has had commercial property she has always had residential. Council Member Dennis explained that she has always worked with the city if the land was involved and that she is not that kind of person. Council Member Dennis then explained the timeline of purchasing the property and explained that she never knew East McCarty was in the project. Council Member Dennis explained that she talked with Engineer Tyree three different times about the property and he explained several options on how to obtain the property and how the property could still be used. Council Member explained she never heard of East McCarty being in the project and if she knew there was a detention pond going to be on it she would not want the property. Council Member Dennis explained how she helped and participated in the meetings helping consultant Floyd throughout the project. Council Member explained the map that was passed out at the meeting was not clear and that East McCarty was never mentioned. Council Member Dennis explained she was very clear about her mothers properties on Hines Street at the meetings and that she was not trying to hide anything that East McCarty was not mentioned. Council Member Dennis explained that she was not aware her property was a part of the project until contractors were on her property and she began calling and asking questions.  Attorney Nelson asked Council Member Dennis what was she here today for. Council Member Dennis stated that she is here to clear her name of this ethics violation that this is lies and destruction of her character explaining she has been a part of the project and that none of this is true and, she had no idea this was on her property. Attorney Nelson explained the project has to move forward Council Member Dennis explained she wants her name cleared and she is innocent of these allegations.

Attorney Bowen questioned if Council Member Dennis was familiar with the project. Council Member Dennis explained the streets that she knew that were included in the project and McCarty was not included. Council Member Dennis stated that she has been to all the meetings and that she participated by one meeting by phone. Attorney Bowen asked Council Member Dennis if she voted on the resolution to approve the project. Council Member Dennis explained she did vote on it because she did not know her property was in the project, explaining that there should have been a project scope meeting explaining the easements that were needed before the project was approved. Council Member Dennis explained that the detention pond was never even brought up until contractors were on her property. Attorney Bowen showed Council Member Dennis the map that included her property that was given out at the meetings she attended, however Council Member Dennis denied seeing the map. Attorney Bowen questioned Council Member Dennis as to why before voting she did not view the documents that pertained to the project. Attorney Bowen explained that Council Member Dennis’s property was on McCarty and Oak Street and questioned since she knew Oak Street was in the target area then that would mean her property was included. Council Member Dennis stated that when she purchased the property it had an East McCarty address. Attorney Bowen clarified that the property was vacant with no structure and was on Oak Street and East McCarty. Council Member again explained that in her mind that her property was on East McCarty Street not Oak Street and she thought of her property as commercial on East McCarty. Council Member Dennis stated that right now she is so into clearing her name that we will talk about the impact of the property after my name gets clear and my Council understands that I did not know that my property was included and I did not purposely sign anything or approve anything that would that would hurt me like this. I want my name cleared first, and then we can move on to the next phase.

Attorney Bowen and Attorney Nelson gave their closing statements and the council adjourned into executive session to deliberate. 

Mayor Pro Tem Smith explained he wanted to clear up some things and explained that the City is the one who wanted to improve the Tybee community that it was the City that wanted to rehab houses in the area and could not due to the flooding issues. Mayor Pro Tem Smith explained that this a huge project that we got a grant for but stated the city put in close to $800,000 of funds to make this project happen. Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that he wants the Cities name cleared, that we have identified these areas and the City made this project happen to help the flooding issues. Mayor Pro Tem Smith went on to state that he wants to make sure this project is going to be completed and lets move forward with the easement of the ditch. If this will help the issue, and if we are going to do a name clearing, we need to also make a motion for what is going to be done to get the project finished.


Mayor Andrews stated the council would adjourn into executive session to deliberate. Mayor Andrews asked for a motion to enter into executive session.





Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to enter into an Executive Session to deliberate. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously with favorable votes from Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Council Member Deborah Brown, Council Member Danny Brown and Council Member Ben Salter.


The council reconvened and Mayor Andrews asked City Attorney Howard to state the motion.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion stating that we find that Mayme Dennis did not knowingly violate the ethics provisions of the Sandersville Charter and code. However, this is not a reprimand but we do find that she needs to exercise more diligence and be more conscientious in considering the property she owns when making future council decsions and especially when voting on City matters. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously with favorable votes from Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Council Member Danny Brown, Council Member Deborah Brown, and Council Member Salter.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Council Member Danny Brown seconded to adjourn the called meeting.





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Jan 30, 2024

City Council Meetings Called



JANUARY 30, 2024 - 5:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Resolution #2024-01: A Resolution authorizing the introduction of legislation to change the City Charter of the City of Sandersville, Georgia to provide for a council-manager form of Government and to stagger election terms for City Council members. (Attachment A)
  4. Motion to authorize the Mayor, Police Chief, City Clerk, and City Attorney to execute a Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Sandersville and the Washington County Sheriff Department for police services. (Attachment B)
  5. Motion to enter into executive session to discuss personnel.
  6. Motion to adjourn.


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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

January 30, 2024- 5:00 p.m.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                    Judy McCorkle, City Administrator

Council Member Ben Salter (telephone conference) Keenan Howard, City Attorney                     

Council Member Mayme Dennis                              

Council Member Danny Brown                                

Council Member Deborah Brown                             


Mayor Andrews called the January 30, 2024 meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order.


Council Member Dennis, gave the invocation and Development Citizen Sid Cheatam led the pledge to the American flag. 


Attorney Howard reviewed the recommended City Charter changes section by section. The Council had discussion and asked questions concerning the changes.



Council Member Brown made a motion to authorize the Mayor, Police Chief, City Clerk, and City Attorney to execute a Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Sandersville and the Washington County Sheriff Department for police services. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adopt Resolution #2024-01: A Resolution authorizing the introduction of legislation to change the City Charter of the City of Sandersville, Georgia to provide for a council-manager form of Government and to stagger election terms for City Council members. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed with favorable votes from: Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Council Member Danny Brown, and Council Member Salter. Council Member Mayme Dennis and Council Member Deborah Brown voted against the motion.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss personnel. Council Member Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to offer the Fire Chief position to Jason Boatright. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the motion passed with favorable votes from: Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Council Member Danny Brown, Council Member Deborah Brown, and Council Member Ben Salter. Council Member Dennis voted against the motion.



With no further business, Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Dennis seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned.


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Jan 24, 2024

City Council Meetings Called



JANUARY 24, 2024 - 3:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


  1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews.
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
  3. Resolution #2024-01: A Resolution authorizing the introduction of legislation to change the City Charter of the City of Sandersville, Georgia to provide for a council-manager form of Government and to stagger election terms for City Council members. (Attachment A)
  4. Motion to adopt the Contract for Electric Service agreement between the City of Sandersville, Georgia, and CleanSpark, Inc. (Attachment B)
  5. Motion to authorize the Mayor / and or City Administrator to execute a Statewide Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement. (Attachment C)
  6. Motion to adjourn.


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Sandersville City Council
Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2024- 5:00 p.m.

Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                    Judy McCorkle, City Administrator

Council Member Ben Salter                                       Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Mayme Dennis                              

Council Member Danny Brown                                

Council Member Deborah Brown                             

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                 


Mayor Andrews called the January 24, 2024 meeting of the Sandersville City Council to order.

Mayor Pro Tem Smith, gave the invocation and Police Chief Cuyler pledge to the American flag.

Administrator McCorkle stated that the agenda has several items that needs to be discussed first being the electric service agreement between the City of Sandersville and Cleanspark Inc.  Administrator McCorkle went on to state that the city consultant Tom Berry, and Attorney David Cook was on teleconference to review and answer questions regarding the new Cleanspark contract. Consultant Tom Berry then reviewed the agreement section by section answer questions throughout the contract. Council had discussion and asked questions throughout the discussion and City Attorney Keenan Howard, and Attorney David Cook also responded to questions concerning the contract in detail.

Administrator McCorkle then reviewed the charter line by line answering questions along the way. The Council asked several questions. City Attorney Howard stated there were still changes in the document that he has not been able to review. The Council then decided to table the discussion and adoption until Attorney Howard had more time to review.


Council Member Danny Brown made a motion to table Resolution #2024-01: A Resolution authorizing the introduction of legislation to change the City Charter of the City of Sandersville, Georgia to provide for a council-manager form of Government and to stagger election terms for City Council members. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adopt the Contract for Electric Service agreement between the City of Sandersville, Georgia, and CleanSpark, Inc. Council Member Dennis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to authorize the Mayor and / or City Administrator to execute a Statewide Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement for mutual aid assistance in emergencies. Council Member Deborah Brown seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


With no further business, Mayor Pro Tem Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Danny Brown seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned.


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Public Hearing

Dec 9, 2024

Public Hearing




A public hearing on the proposed FY 2025 budget for the City of Sandersville will be held on Monday, December 13, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at 126 Malone Street, Sandersville Georgia.


The proposed budget for FY 2025 is available for public inspection Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. in the City Clerk’s Office at 141 West Haynes Street, Sandersville, Georgia.


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City Council Working Session

Dec 16, 2024

City Council Working Session



DECEMBER 16, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers



1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. Recognitions:

            Katie Moncus- 4th quarter chamber update

            Cody Deal- WCRMC

3. Department Reports:

            Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

            Alex Lowe, Water and Wastewater Director

            Dave Larson, Community Development Director

4. City Manager Report

5. City Attorney Report

6. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

7. Other Reports




Join Zoom Meeting: Please contact the City Clerk’s office for zoom information



As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082


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Dec 2, 2024

City Council Working Session



DECEMBER 2, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. City Manager Report


3. City Attorney Report

4. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

5. Other Reports


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Nov 4, 2024

City Council Working Session



NOVEMBER 4, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews                                                                                                   

2. Department Reports:

            Dave Larson, Community Development Director

Carson Daley, Main Street & DDA Director

3. City Manager Report

4. City Attorney Report

5. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

6. Other Reports


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Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council


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Sandersville City Council

Working Session Minutes

November 4, 2024 – 4:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                 Alex Lowe, Water Director

Council Member Mayme Dennis                            Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                           Brian Shelton, Deputy Chief of Police

Council Member Danny Brown                             Carson Daley, Mainstreet and DDA Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                   Dave Larson, Community Development

Antonio White, Public Works Field Supervisor

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                              

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                 


Mayor Pro Tem Smith called the November 4, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4:00 p.m.


Department Reports

Community Development Director Dave Larson explained that a special exception was on the regular agenda to allow a manufactured home to be placed in a R-2 zone at 309 Pine Forest Dr. Director Larson stated the home owner is aware of the mobile home standards and is in compliance. Director Larson stated that there has been federal updates concerning new construction of wireless communication towers, and he would like to recommend the city imposing a moratorium on issuing permits.



Mainstreet and DDA Director Caron Daley announced that the city has been awarded the Rural Zone designation by the Department of Community Affairs. Director Daley went on to explain that this process was a very long process that began even before her time with the city. Director Daley went on to explain the benefits of the designation including that beginning in January 2025 new business may qualify to claim tax credits. City Manager Sharon Eveland commended Director Daley for hard work throughout the process and thanked Jayson Johnston Executive Director of the Development Authority of Washington County for assisting throughout the process as well.


City Manager Eveland reviewed agenda items beginning with the annual incentive payment recommendations. City Manager Eveland presented the recommendations to the council, the council then had discussion and ultimately decided that they wanted the first tier of the recommended plan to begin with service time less than one year instead of 0-6 months. City Manager Eveland then reviewed with the council on recommended updates to the pay plan for 2025. City Manager Eveland explained the purpose of implementing the plan and that instead of employees receiving a COLA and a step increase this year that the new pay plan would be implementing. City Manager Eveland explained that every employee would get a 5.5% - 6.5% increase depending on where they are on the scale which was close to what the COLA and step increase resulted in last year. Council members asked questions and had discussion regarding the new plan. Council Member Dennis expressed concern about changing the pay scale before completing the pay study that the city was currently conducting. City Manager Eveland explained that the pay plan would not be completed in time to implement before the budget and she has already based the budget numbers on this recommended scale, City Manager Eveland explained that after the pay study is officially completed the plan would be adjusted based on the data received from the study.


City Attorney Keenan Howard passed out a resolution that he has worked with Attorney Brandon Bowing to stay in compliance with federal law while still being able to stay in compliance with the towers on explained that currently there is an issue.  



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Oct 7, 2024

City Council Working Session



OCTOBER 7, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. Public Comment:

            Pam Frederick, Wedgewood group

3. Department Reports:


            Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

            Bryan Long, Electric Director

            Alex Lowe, Water and Wastewater Director

            Dave Larson, Community Development Director
            Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

4. City Manager Report

5. City Attorney Report

6. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

7. Other Reports





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Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council




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Sandersville City Council

Working Session Minutes

October 7, 2024 – 4:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Alex Lowe, Water Director

Mayor Jeffery Smith                                                   Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                       Bryan Long, Electric Director

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                               Dave Larson, Community Development

Council Member Danny Brown                                 Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                              

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                 


Mayor Andrews called the October 7, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4:00 p.m.



Pam Frederick of Wedgewood neighborhood expressed her concern of the flooding throughout the neighborhood that is happening every time there are big rains. The council had discussion on different possibilities and solutions for the neighborhood to try including talking with the neighborhood developer. Community Development Director Dave Larson explained that storm drains are not designed to hold this amount of water. City Manager stated that in the future we need to plan a storm water utility and look at we can do to improve our storm water system instead of being reactive being proactive in planning the best we can for certain areas.


Department Reports

City Manager Eveland read a statement about the recent storm and expressed how even though there was devastation in our community we were blessed to not have the level of destruction that other areas had. City Manager Eveland went on to express her gratitude to the city field staff and how they stepped up to the plate during this time. City Manager Eveland stated that the city was ninety percent without power but the city was able to restore most of the power within six days of the storm. City Manager Eveland went on to thank the crews for having streets cleared within four days of the storms, and employees who went above and beyond while not knowing what was happening with their own families and homes. City Manager Eveland expressed she was so proud to be a member of this team, Manager Eveland went on to express gratitude naming several community businesses and leaders working together during this difficult time. City Manager Eveland went on to state how amazing it was to live in this community and she felt this is exactly where she was meant to be. City Manager Eveland closed by expressing her heartfelt concern for the family that lost their children during the storm.


Council Reports:

Chief Cuyler stated he had officers who never went home on Thursday who were ready and stayed and gave there all during the storm. Chief Cuyler expressed how thankful he was to see how everyone untied and all the departments worked together. Chief Cuyler also stated that he had a bid on the agenda for emergency equipment for new police vehicles. Chief Cuyler explained the difference in the bids and stated he would like to award the bid to Interceptor Public Safety Products. City Manager Eveland recognized officers that responded to a call of a child trapped in a home and there were several officers that went out in the middle of the storm to responded to the call.


Electric Director Long stated that it was great to have everyone working together and thanked all the crews that ECG coordinated to help during the storm. Director Long stated that there was a total of fifty-one broke poles, and twenty-two damaged transformers and this was the most that he has ever seen in a small community like this. Director Long stated that power was restored in the city by day 7 but there were several that still had to have repairs done to their homes before power could be restored.


Water Director Lowe stated that he and the crews were ready until the hurricane actually hit it was more than they ever imagined. He went on to state they had to go door to door to get employees since the phone lines were down but there were several that came in on their own and that staff really came together to get the job done.


Community Development Director Larson stated that he worked with EMA doing damage assessments to FEMA. Director Larson would like to recommend waiving permit fees for work that is related to the storm.


Fire Chief Boatright thanked everyone for the hard work during the storm. Chief Boatright stated that his crews have worked long nights delivering supplies to other departments throughout the community trying to assist other departments.


City Manager Eveland reviewed agenda items. Council Members requested that the training and travel policy be changed to include other trainings sponsored by GMA, MEAG, or ECG instead of being specific to annual conferences. City Manager Eveland stated she made those changes to the policy. City Manager Eveland stated that the city is getting low on native power load meaning everything except cleanspark. City Manager Eveland stated she would like to recommend the city entering into a one year agreement to buy power from the City of Commerce.


Council Reports

Mayor Andrews thanked everyone for coming together saying he didn’t want to list names with fear of leaving someone out. The city employees, the county, and all of the community for coming together and putting in so many hours and having seeing so many step up to the plate during this time. Mayor Andrews went on to state that we have the best group of people in this community. Mayor Andrews then read a letter from Mrs. Sandra Connor wanting to give a contribution to the employees for dedication and hard work during the storm.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that he couldn’t even say any more than thank you from the bottom of his heart. That it takes everybody in situations like this and he is proud of the city team and that we have the best in the business.


Council Member Deborah Brown stated that she opened up the Elderite building so that citizens could come to use the restroom or rest during the storm. Council Member Deborah Brown went on to state everyone worked together stating she wants us always to stay together. Council Member Deborah Brown went on to state how sorry she was for the Taylor family losing children in the storm, and she went on to state that her cousins church in Michigan heard about the devastation of the Taylor family and contributed to the funeral expenses. Council Member Deborah Brown went on to express her gratitude for that church reaching out and helping a family in Washington County during this hard time. Council Member Deborah Brown closed by thanking everyone for the hard work and encouraged the community to stay together.


Council Member Danny Brown thanked everyone for their hard working during the storm and thanked EMA Director Russell Riner for his hard work in coordinating and updating everyone during the storm


Council Member Salter stated how fragile life is and it also reminds us the goodness of people coming together and how strong we are when we come together. He went on to express how remarkable we have recovered the way we have. Council Member Salter stated that he was so thankful for how our team has responded.


Council Member Dennis stated there is a go fund me account set up for the Taylor Family that lost their children in the hurricane. Council Member Dennis thanked everyone for their hard work she went on to state it was something to see neighbors checking on one another and doing everything they could to help one another. Council Member Dennis went on to state that there are surrounding areas that are still having a hard time. Council Member Dennis also made mentioned that the eleven-year-old daughter of the Taylor family spoke on behalf of her family during this tragic loss. Council Member Dennis stated this eleven-year-old was very special and she wanted to see a college fund set up for her as she has been such a blessing.



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Sep 16, 2024

City Council Working Session



SEPTEMBER 16, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. Recognitions:

3. Department Reports:

  • Victor Cuyler, Police Chief
  1. Discussion of Resolution 2024-19
  2. Activity Report
  • Kandice Hartley, City Clerk / Human Resource Director
  1. Discussion of Ordinance 2024-04
  • Carson Daley, Mainstreet/DDA Director

            a. Downtown Regional Meeting recap

4. City Manager Report

            a. Discussion of health insurance premiums

            b. Discussion of council training policy

            c. Discussion of Agenda action item recommendations

5. City Attorney Report

6. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

7.  Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel.


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Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council


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Sandersville City Council

Working Session Minutes

September 16, 2024 – 4:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                       

Mayor Jeffery Smith                                                   Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                       Carson Daley, Mainstreet/DDA Director

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                           

Council Member Danny Brown                            

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                              

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                 


Mayor Andrews called the September 16, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4:00 p.m.



Chamber President Katie Moncus updated the council on different upcoming events followed by passing out the Chamber of Commerce 3rd quarter report and reviewing key reports. President Moncus then thanked the city for the help and participation that the city provides for the festival. President Moncus then reviewed recent memberships and explained the different initiatives that the chamber is currently working on.


Director of Literacy Leah Clark with the Washington County Board of Education informed the council of the WACO reads program throughout the schools and explained how the program works getting books into kids homes and really making reading a priority. Mayor Andrews then read a proclamation declaring September 30th as Georgia Reads Day in Sandersville. Director Clark announced that the school would welcome any council member that would like to participate in reading to the classes on September 30th


Council Reports:

Chief Cuyler asked Captain Ken Parker with the investigations division to update the council on recent shootings in the area. Captain Parker updated the council on arrests that have already been made in connection with the recent shootings with majority being juveniles. Mayor Andrews asked Captain Parker and Chief Cuyler to look into having a community meeting to inform the community on the crime statistics and make the public aware of what is going on.  Council Member Dennis said she has had a lot of complaints about Railroad Avenue and Oak Street and she would like to discuss some other complaints as well with the Chief.  Chief Cuyler then stated that he would like the councils approval to reinstate the Assistant/Deputy Chief position. City Manager Eveland explained that this would be an internal promotion and interview process. The Council questioned the structure going forward once the Deputy Chief position is filled. City Manager Eveland explained that the structure of the police department will depend on who is hired into the assistant/deputy chief position.


City Clerk / HR Director Kandice Hartley stated there is a first read of an ordinance adopting an addendum to the GMEBS Defined Benefit Retirement Plan. Director Hartley explained that this is just going to be making some language changes that were brought to GMA’s attention through an IRS audit and that this would not be changing the actual retirement plan documents.


Mainstreet / DDA Director Daley thanked the council for attending the recent regional meet up  for Mainstreet and went on to say that it was a honor to be asked for Sandersville to host this meeting. Director Daley stated that several attendees were very impressed with what the City of Sandersville and all the recent growth in the downtown area.


City Manager Eveland announced that open enrollment for health insurance premiums would be taking place the first of October and with the budget not being complete until later in October premium figures need to already be calculated. Manager Eveland discussed the possibility of the city covering a bigger portion of the family premium and that this figure would need to be decided at the next meeting. City Manager Eveland reviewed a draft travel and training policy for the council to review, and asked the council if they had any questions regarding the draft policy. Council Members then had discussion.   City Manager Eveland also discussed the option of doing a council training retreat and asked for councils input on dates.


City Attorney updated the council on projects that he is currently working on.


Mayor Andrews announced it was constitution week, and asked everyone to be in prayer for our nation and the citizens of Winder with the recent tragedies.


Council Member Mayme Dennis asked for further clarification on the retirement documents. Council Member Dennis went on to state that there is a lot of activity and loitering on streets in her district that really needs addressing.


Council Member Deborah Brown stated there is a resident that lives behind the post office that is having drainage ditch issues that the city needs to look into it. City Manager requested Council Member Deborah Brown send an email with the issues.


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Sep 3, 2024

NO-City Council Working Session

Aug 19, 2024

City Council Working Session



AUGUST 19, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. Recognitions: none

3. Department Reports:


            Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

            Alex Lowe, Water and Wastewater Director

            Dave Larson, Community Development Director

4. City Manager Report

5. City Attorney Report

6. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

7. Other Reports







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Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council



As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Sandersville does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Kandice Hartley, 141 W. Haynes St, 478-552-2525 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. The City of Sandersville will assist citizens with special needs given proper notice (seven working days). Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Sandersville should be directed to ADA Coordinator, P O Box 71, Sandersville, GA  31082


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Sandersville City Council

Working Session Minutes

August 19, 2024 – 4:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                         Bryan Long, Electric Director

Mayor Jeffery Smith                                              Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                  Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Council Member Deborah Brown                         Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                          Dave Larson, Community Development

Council Member Danny Brown                            

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                              

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                 


Mayor Andrews called the August 19, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4:00 p.m.


Department Reports:

Public Works Director Robert Eubanks explained there is a item on the agenda for fire hydrant replacement throughout the city and the final invoice is over $40,126 than what was originally approved. Public Works Director also explained that this would be placing hydrants at the Wastewater Treatment Plant stating that previously there has not been hydrants located at the plant.


Water/Wastewater Director Lowe explained there is an invoice on the agenda to rehab the pump station at laurel acres and the jailhouse lift stations. Council Member Dennis explained why there is always a foul odor from the pumpstation. Director Lowe explained that this pumpstation is undersized so the odor is coming from sitting to long and this rehab will be able to help relieve this issue. City Manger stated that this project did come in over budget but that the amount over budget would come from ARPA funds and the water/sewer fund.


Community Development Director Larson explained that at the previous meeting the council tabled a variance for an accessory structure at 431 Moy Dr. Director Larson went on to explain that the home owner wanted to withdraw the request so the council would need to formally deny the request.


Attorney Howard reviewed the council about ongoing things he was working on for the city including: TAP Grant easements, Blue Line Solutions contract, M. Friedman final documents, and the food truck ordinances. 


Council Reports:

Mayor Andrews thanked all the staff for working hard during the recent storm.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith thanked all the crews for working hard and working together to get power restored quickly.


Council Member Dennis stated that the city crews always get the lights on quick and thanked the crews for their hard work.


Council Member Deborah Brown asked Water/Sewer Director Lowe to look into a property on MLK stating that there is a strong odor and drainage issues.


Council Member Danny Brown thanked the community for being patient during the storm and thanked all the crews for working hard to getting power restored. Council Member Danny Brown asked Alex to look into the ditches on Laurel and Church Street explaining that they are stopping up after heavy rainfalls.


Council Member Salter stated that the City is always number one in restoring power and cleaning up after a storm.


City Manager Eveland thanked the staff for their hard work last night during the storm. City Manager Eveland reminded the council about participating in the strategic plan and reviewed details about the plan and upcoming dates. City Manager Eveland then reviewed the council on agenda items and reviewed her memo. The council then had discussion on the items.




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Aug 5, 2024

City Council Working Session



AUGUST 5, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. Recognitions:

            The Lawson House

3. Department Reports:

            Bryan Long, Electric Director

            Alex Lowe, Water and Wastewater Director

            Dave Larson, Community Development Director

Carson Daley, Main Street & DDA Director

4. City Manager Report

5. City Attorney Report

6. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

7. Other Reports








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Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council





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Sandersville City Council

Working Session Minutes

August 5, 2024 – 4:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Bryan Long, Electric Director

Mayor Jeffery Smith                                               Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                   Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Council Member Deborah Brown                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis-call in                Dave Larson, Community Development

Council Member Danny Brown                            Carson Daley, DDA / Mainstreet Director

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                              

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                 


Mayor Andrews called the August 5, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4:00 p.m.



Mayor Andrews recognized Zack Webb owner of the new short term rental house The Lawson House.


Department Reports:

Electric Director Bryan Long explained that the electric crew would be installing lamp post around the school property at Brentwood School. Director Long went on to say that the request is on the regular agenda and Brentwood’s would cover the expenses for the materials and the school would pay a monthly charge for the lamp post.


Water Wastewater Director Alex Lowe explained there was a 6-inch water main break on Smith St. and that a water restriction had to be put in place but has now since been lifted. Director Lowe stated the reason was due to the line being old. Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that the line has been repaired several times and after all the repairs we probably could have replaced the line. Manager Eveland explained moving forward that we need to make investments in our infrastructure instead of having all these rehabs and how we can match up the worse of the roads with the worst of the infrastructure so that we are allocating funds for these projects. Director Lowe explained money was originally put in a CIP for a 22,00 lateral hanger vac truck and instead would like permission to apply those funds to a pump for the vac truck. Director Lowe explained that it would be more beneficial for him to have the pump for the vac truck. Director Lowe stated that they only had one bid for the two lift stations one at the jail house and one at Laurel Acres and the bid came in over budget. City Manager Eveland explained that since we only had one bid and it was $330,000 over budget the city could rebid the project or the city could split the overage between ARPA funds and the water sewer fund. City Manager Eveland asked the council which direction would they like to take on either rebidding it or moving forward once the engineering firm reviews. Council then discussed and decided the engineer should review and if they feel comfortable then move forward with awarding at the next council meeting.


Community Development Director Larson explained the variance request was for a carport to be placed closer to the property line than the minimum required distance. Director Larson also explained that the fire code minimum for carport to be built next to a fence is 5 feet and currently they are 3 feet. Director Larson explained he recommended denying the request due to having to follow the guidelines that are in place. Director Larson explained that there would only be 3 feet between the fence and carport. City Manager Eveland explained that her recommendation was to deny the request because variance ordinances are in place for a reason and there should be a hardship or something unique about the land and that variances do not need to be given due to convenience. City Manager Eveland explained that there needs to be a justification that extends beyond convenience. Council then had discussion about approving with conditions to see if the homeowners could modify what they are wanting to do with the carport.


Carson Daley, DDA/Mainstreet Director stated there will be a regional meeting that will be at the Chamber on September 12th. Director Daley also stated there was an item on the regular agenda to ask for open containers for the September 14th concert on the square.


City Manager Eveland stated that the procurement policy and ordinance is on the agenda again and that a separate meeting with everyone’s schedule didn’t work out this past week. Former Finance Director Wiley is present to answer questions. Reviewing key points in the policy pointing out that this policy will provide more flexibility to the staff but would maintaining safe guards. City Manager Eveland went on to say that there are a lot of operating functions that are delayed due to the purchasing restrictions and the policy will allow things to move quicker. City Manager Eveland explained that this policy and ordinance has been presented at two other meetings to give time for everyone to review along with a memo outlining key changes throughout the policy. City Manager Eveland explained she would start providing a monthly register of expenditures for the council to see so they council could still see where the money is going. Council Member Dennis stated she was still concerned because the council would get a report after the money has been spent. City Manager Eveland said that she and Attorney Howard are still working on some final changes so they would make those changes and bring back to the next council meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Smith explained that the policy would allow the city staff to move forward on purchasing things that have already been approved in the annual budget and that is clearer to him now.  Council Member Dennis explained that she felt things still need to come before the council. City Manager Eveland explained the policy more and the council had discussion.


Attorney Howard updated the council on easements that he has been working on for the Tybee sidewalk project. Mayor Pro Tem Smith questioned the status of the easement for Council Member Dennis property on Oak St. Council Member Dennis stated that the survey is being done next.


Mayor Andrews announced that he attended the GA Hi-Lo groundbreaking ceremony and it was a success.


City Manager Eveland stated that the she has received word from MEAG that the transformer for cleanspark was ready.



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Jul 15, 2024


Jul 1, 2024

City Council Working Session



JULY 1, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. Recognitions:  None

3. Department Reports:

            Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

            Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

            Bryan Long, Electric Director

            Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

            Alex Lowe, Water and Wastewater Director

            Dave Larson, Community Development Director
            Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Kandice Hartley, City Clerk / Human Resource Director

Carson Daley, Main Street & DDA Director

4. City Administrator Report

5. City Attorney Report

6. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

7. Other Reports


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Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council




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Sandersville City Council

Working Session Minutes

July 1, 2024 – 4:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Bryan Long, Electric Director

Mayor Jeffery Smith                                               Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Ben Salter                                   Lee Waddell, IT Director

Council Member Deborah Brown                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                           Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                             Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                               Dave Larson, Community Development


Mayor Andrews called the July 1, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4:00 p.m.

Department Reports:

Council Member Dennis reported that she talked with the City of Brookhaven at the GMA Convention and they shared ideas that they have done in their city to control speeding without having to put speed humps on every street. Council Member Dennis requested that Police Chief Cuyler talk with the City of Brookhaven Police Chief to get ideas for Sandersville.

Electric Director Bryan Long recommended to the council to award a bid to Trees Unlimited for the right of way tree trimming.

Public Works Director Robert Eubanks recommended to the council to award a bid to All Star Concrete Inc for the milling and resurfacing of MLK Jr. Ave. Council Member Danny Brown recommended maybe looking into the stability of the recommended company. The council had discussion and City Manager Eveland recommended tabling the request until she could review the concerns.

Community Development Director Larson explained there was a public hearing scheduled for the regular session for a special exception request to allow a church to be located at 408 S. Hospital Rd. Director Larson explained that the state has changed requirements as it pertains to building permit fees, and the new fee schedule becomes effective July 1st. Director Larson went on to explain how the new fees would work and could be amended as needed going forward.

City Manager Eveland reported that City Auditor Brian Wright has finished the FY2023 budget. Auditor Brian Wright approached the council and reviewed the audit line by line stating that overall it has been a good year for the city. Auditor Wright went on to say that the finance department has always done a great job with the cities finances, and he will miss Brianna. Auditor Wright explained to the council that city finances are very different than other places so it would be good if there were an option in house for the position.

City Manager Eveland explained the recommended updated purchasing policy that she worked on with Finance Director Wiley and reviewed the main changes to the policy. City Manager Eveland explained that the Public Works Director and the Finance Director positions needed to be filled and that since these are critical positions, she would like approval to hire a recruiting firm to recruit for these positions. City Manager Eveland reviewed the budget calendar for FY 25 explaining that the retreat is set for October 21st.

Council Reports:

Council Member Dennis stated that she learned of a new city tax that cities could implement. City Manager Eveland discussed points that she could recall from the session that she heard about the tax as well.

Council Member Danny Brown asked if there were any updates regarding the hotel. City Manager Eveland responded the project was still moving forward.

Council Member Ben Salter questioned IT Director Lee Waddell about the internet at the Recreation Department. Director Waddell explained issues that were going on and that it’s a work in progress. 




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Jun 3, 2024

City Council Working Session



JUNE 3, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. Recognitions:

            Connie Burley, Archway Partnership

3. Department Reports:

            Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

            Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

            Bryan Long, Electric Director

            Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

            Alex Lowe, Water and Wastewater Director

            Dave Larson, Community Development Director
            Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Kandice Hartley, City Clerk / Human Resource Director

Carson Daley, Main Street & DDA Director

4. City Manager Report

5. City Attorney Report

6. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

7. Other Reports


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council


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Sandersville City Council

Working Session Minutes

June 3, 2024 – 4:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                   Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                           Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                             Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                               Dave Larson, Community Development

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                              Bryan Long, Electric Director   


Mayor Andrews called the June 3, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4:00 p.m.


Connie Burley with Archway Partnership gave an update on projects that Archway has been working on throughout the community. Burley stated that the literary initiative has been a concentrated focus this year as this is a big need in the community. Council Member Dennis stated this is a generational issue and questioned what has been done to bridge the gap. Burley went on to state that this is a big issue and getting the parents and grandparents involved in the literacy process is very important. In closing Burley thanked the City for their continued support for the annual teen maze stating that this would not be possible without the police department and fire departments participation.  Mayor Andrews stated it was always good to have a UGA intern and would like to see the city continue to have that assistance.


Police Chief Cuyler stated that the Police Department has arrested four juveniles for the recent shootings on spring street. Mayor Andrews commended the Police Department on a job well done for the recent drug raids that they have been working on closely with the Sheriff Department and GBI.


Public Works Director Eubanks stated that there is a bid award on the regular agenda for a culvert pipe to be dug on Crabapple Drive. Director Eubanks stated that this job was too big for our crew to handle so he would like to award the bid to Viking Construction to complete the job.


Water and Wastewater Director Lowe stated the air compressor at the water department keeps messing up and can no longer be patched. Director Lowe stated he would like the council to award a bid to purchase a new air compressor.  Director Lowe stated that well # 11 went down, so the pump was pulled and inspected. After inspection it was determined that the pump and motor should be replaced to prevent the well from failing further. City Manager Eveland stated that this would be the best recommendation since there would also be a 1 year warranty.


Community Development Director Larson stated there is a public hearing on the agenda for Jet #22. Director Larson stated that this is for a variance request for the setback requirements for a canopy for an additional fueling station for Jet #22. Director Larson also stated that there is an annexation request on the regular agenda for 1625 East McCarty St. to be zoned R-2, on the regular agenda.


Finance Director Brianna Wiley stated that she has been working on inventory and has alot of inventory that will be posted to gov deals, however if it is no longer any good it will be properly disposed of.  Council Member Danny Brown if there was anything that could be given to any other cities or organizations in the community. Director Wiley stated that the airport has requested one of the police cars that is scheduled to be surplus, and she will bring that recommendation to the next council meeting. Director Wiley stated that the loan agreement for the GEFA loan is on the regular agenda for the council to execute.


City Manager Sharon Eveland reviewed items on the agenda, beginning with waiving the first reading of the proposed annexation ordinance. City Manager Eveland explained Roberts Rules of Order and why the city needed to make a formal motion to waive the first reading of the ordinance. Council Member Dennis stated that we have always allowed the public to be part of the first readings. City Manager Eveland assured that this would still take place; this process is just waving the requirement to read the ordinance out loud. City Manager Eveland also reminded the council that she needed dates that the council would be available for a work session to discuss future projects. City Manager Eveland stated that she is currently working on updating the personnel policy, and Finance Director Wiley is working on a procurement policy. City Manager Eveland stated that ordinances would have to be updated as well to reflect the new manager form of government. Council Member Dennis stated that she wanted the council to continue to be involved in the hiring and firing of employees. City Manager Eveland stated that according to the new Charter, the City Manager does the hiring and firing but would keep the council informed when it is appropriate to do so. City Manager Eveland stated that there are two important projects that were not budgeted for this year but she would like permission to move forward with them. City Manager Eveland explained that the first is a compensation study, and the second is to have a strategic plan developed for the city.  The Council gave City Manager permission to move forward with the RFP for the compensation study and the strategic plan.


Attorney Howard updated the council on the Cleanspark bond, stating that it is time to move forward with the bond and executing the bond agreement with Cleanspark. Attorney Howard explained that the billing department has started bi-weekly billing, and that should help to protect the city.  Attorney Howard went on to state that as part of the agreement, the cash deposit would be returned over a 6 month timeline.


Mayor Andrews reminded everyone of the Juneteenth events that would be taking place in the next couple of weeks and encouraged everyone to attend.


Council Member Danny Brown encouraged everyone to check out the article about Cleanspark and Sandersville in the latest Georgia Trend Magazine.


Council Member Salter stated that at the last Recreation Department meeting it was brought up about the splash pad not being open and the reason for it was that they  are still waiting on part of the pump.  Council Member Salter stated that the gates at the rec department are only open until 6 p.m. on weekends, due to the vandalism that takes place.  


View Documents

May 20, 2024

City Council Working Session



MAY 20, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. Recognitions:

            Main Street presentation

            ECG-Chris Carter and Brian Jaymes

3. Department Reports:

            Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

            Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

            Bryan Long, Electric Director

            Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

            Alex Lowe, Water and Wastewater Director

            Dave Larson, Community Development Director
            Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Kandice Hartley, City Clerk / Human Resource Director

Carson Daley, Main Street & DDA Director

4. City Manager Report

5. City Attorney Report

6. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

7. Other Reports


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Sandersville City Council

Working Session Minutes

May 20, 2024 – 4:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                           Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                             Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                   Dave Larson, Community Development

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                               Bryan Long, Electric Director   

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                             Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

                                                                                Carson Daley, Mainstreet & DDA Director


Mayor Andrews called the May 20, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4:00 p.m.


Tess Harper with the Department of Community Affairs presented the 2024 Classic Main Street award to the City of Sandersville. Harper went on to explain the criteria and standards for being eligible for the Classic Main Street award. Mainstreet Director Daley then passed out upcoming events to the council.


Electric Director Bryan Long introduced Brian James, Director of Engineer of ECG. Brian James explained the issues the electric overload that is going on at substation #8 at CleanSpark. Engineer James showed the council a diagram of the layout at CleanSpark, explaining how the different substations disperses power throughout the area. Engineer James stated MEAG is rebuilding a new transformer now that will fix the issue, but there is not a current estimated time when the transformer will be ready. Engineer James explained different options to help fix the issue to keep from the power overloading the substation. City Manager Eveland asked for clarification and explained to the council how the outside large transformers and middle transformers are connected. City Manager Eveland questioned Engineer James to why it was set up this way in the beginning. City Manager Eveland then explained how the overload is tripping the alarm, and questioned Engineer James why was the outside and the middle transformers not set up differently so that the capacity was shifting differently to avoid the overload. Engineer James explained why the layout of transformers were laid out initially. The council had discussion and asked questions over the different options to correct the overload issue. City Manager Eveland recommended that she have more time to work with MEAG, CleanSpark, and ECG to discuss the best option for the city before moving forward. Attorney Howard reminded the council that the contract was very carefully reviewed to have protections in there that the city would not be responsible for capacity issues. Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that the we have benefited a lot from this customer and there is a good relationship and we will not be losing anything by extending this help to CleanSpark stating that these issues are not anyone’s fault they are just industry problems. Council Member Dennis stated that we need to help them move forward by paying Helton to complete this work and stated it will help long term not just a short term fix.


Department Reports:

Police Chief Cuyler briefed the council on recent incidents that the police department has been investigating. Cuyler also stated that he has a cadet in school that has now completed week 4. Council Member Dennis asked Chief Cuyler to explain his plan for the summer months while kids are out. Council Member Dennis also stated that trucks on hospital road were still an issue and speeding continues to be an issue all over town.


Fire Chief Boatright stated there is a quote on the regular agenda to award a quote to NAFECO for the purchase of fire hoses. Boatright went on to state that according to NFAP standards, hoses have to be replaced every 10 years.


Electric Director Long reviewed items for the regular agenda including the purchase of transformers and a bid award for the construction of a new bathroom at the Electric Department.


Public Works Director Eubanks explained to the council there was a lease agreement on the regular agenda to place an electronic bill board on Highway 15 North. Director Eubanks also stated that



there is an invoice on the agenda to pay for the installation of the lamellas on the bar screen at the treatment plant. Council Member Dennis asked Director Eubanks to make sure speed humps were placed on Sunhill Rd. on both ends not just the daycare end. Director Eubanks stated that had already been done. Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that Morningside Drive keeps asking him about speed humps. City Manager Eveland stated that parameters needed to be set in order to place speed humps on a street. Council Member Dennis explained that there is already a policy and these streets met the criteria.


Water and Wastewater Director Lowe stated that there is a bid award for ESG Engineering to complete the lead and copper rule compliance services.  Mayor Andrews questioned if this project would be funded through GEFA. Director Lowe stated this loan was approved through GEFA.


Council Member Dennis questioned where the city was at with expanding fiber. City Manager Eveland stated that she would like to set up a working session to discuss strategic goals and set a plan on what the council would like the staff to focus on. City Manager Eveland also stated there was an issue with a previously awarded bid for the M. Friedman Drive sidewalk project bid. City Manager Eveland stated her recommendation is to rescind the bid and rebid the project. City Manager Eveland also reminded the council that the city departments would be closing at noon on Friday May 24th for the employee appreciation picnic.


Mayor Andrews reminded everyone of the upcoming election and Memorial Day Holiday. Council Member Deborah Brown stated she still has not gotten her utility bill with all the mail delays and that we need to considerate before charging late fees.






































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May 6, 2024

City Council Working Session



MAY 6, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. Recognitions:

            Electric Department Diamond Award Presentation

            Jayson Johnston, Development Authority Executive Director

            Susan Lewis, Citizen

3. Department Reports:

            Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

            Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

            Bryan Long, Electric Director

            Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

            Alex Lowe, Water and Wastewater Director

            Dave Larson, Community Development Director
            Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Kandice Hartley, City Clerk / Human Resource Director

Carson Daley, Main Street & DDA Director

4. City Manager Report

5. City Attorney Report

6. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

7. Other Reports


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council



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Sandersville City Council

Working Session Minutes

May 6, 2024 – 4:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                          Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                Jason Boatright, Fire Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                          Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                           Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                             Alex Lowe, Water/Wastewater Director

Sharon Eveland, City Manager                               Dave Larson, Community Development-phone

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                              Bryan Long, Electric Director   

                                                                                Victor Cuyler, Police Chief                                                                              

Mayor Andrews called the May 6, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4:00 p.m.


Mayor Andrews announced the Electric Department has received the Diamond Award from ECG. Electric Director Long explained to the council what it takes to obtain this award. The Mayor and council then thanked all the employees for their hard work.


Concerned Citizen Susan Lewis voiced her concern with food trucks parking on the square, and not having to pay.  City Attorney Howard passed out a proposed ordinance that he would like the council to review and consider. City Manager Eveland explained that the city has a transient merchant ordinance that food trucks would currently be charged under until a food truck ordinance is finalized. Attorney Howard stated that one of the issues that needed to be addressed is the location of the food trucks to park. Citizen Lewis stated that she is just asking that they are managed and paying taxes just like the other restaurants on the square.


Department Reports:

Mayor Andrews welcomed Manager Eveland. Manager Eveland stated she was happy to be here and stated that she has already met with a lot of the staff and looking forward to working with everyone.


Chief Cuyler updated the council on recent incidents that have happened in the city, and reported that the teen maze was held this past week at the boys and girls club. Chief Cuyler also added that the police department currently has a new hire that started the police academy this week. Council Member Dennis stated that big trucks are still an issue on Hospital Road. Council Member Dennis recommended that cameras needed to be put in these areas, however Attorney Howard explained that the cameras are for the school zone areas only. Major Shelton stated that the signage needs to be updated to clarify the types of trucks that are not allowed so that the officers could cite state violations on Hospital Road. 


Chief Boatright stated the fire department has been involved in several events lately including the recent ice cream social for kids during GA Cities week and the recent teen maze held at the boys and girls club. Chief Boatright explained that although last year a deputy chief position was created in the fire department; he would like the council to change the position back to a daytime firefighter-career position.


Public Works Director Eubanks reviewed items on the agenda including a leaf collector truck that he had budgeted for this past year as a CIP project. Director Eubanks stated the company already has one in stock ready to deliver. Manager Eveland stated that not only would this new truck would be an addition to the fleet but would be very efficient for the street department.  Director Eubanks also mentioned a bid award for the M. Friedman Drive sidewalk project. Manager Eveland stated that the bids did come in over budget, however hearing the history of the project it is important to move forward with the project.


Water Director Lowe handed out pictures to the council of the water main at Meltblown Technologies along with emergency repair quotes for a 10’’ valve and sleeve in the amount of $32,000. Director Lowe went on to state that hopefully it will not be that costly but with this being an emergency it is important to go ahead and get permission up to this amount just in case. Council Member Dennis asked Director Lowe if he has looked into the ditch 516 Sunhill Road, stating that every time it rains it gets clogged up.


Finance Director Wiley stated that there is an invoice on the regular agenda for the purchase of additional cyber liability coverage. Manager Eveland stated this is a very important supplemental policy that will help if there were to be any type of cyber attack, which could be very costly. Director Wiley also stated that the City of Sandersville reaches out to many vendors for bids, since the bids are placed on the Georgia Procurement website, that reaches vendors all over the state.


Community Development Director Larson stated that there is a zone change request on the regular agenda for property located at 506 S. Harris Street originally zoned R-2 but currently zoned C-2. Director Larson stated he doesn’t know of any reason this request should not be approved because this property originally was zoned R-2 and the owner is wanting this to be his primary family residence. Council Member Dennis then asked Director Larson to look into property located at 816 East McCarty St. that there is a lot of junk in the yard.


Manager Eveland announced it was Municipal Clerk Week and thanked City Clerk Hartley and Assistant Clerk Waller for their service.


Attorney Howard reported that there was an undeveloped road in the Industrial Park that the city needed to quitclaim to the Development Authority. Attorney Howard passed out a copy of the map to show the council the location of the road. Attorney Howard also stated that he is still working on the bond with CleanSpark and hopes to have the paperwork finished before the next meeting.


Council Member Deborah Brown asked Director Eubanks if he has had a chance to look at the stop sign on post office street. Director Eubanks stated that there is nowhere else to move the stop sign because there is a power pole in the way.


Council Member Danny Brown asked what the City could do to help the splash pad open on time. Manager Eveland stated that she recently attended a chamber meeting where this was discussed and that the county has ordered equipment and will be recycling the water and hopes to have it ready to open for Memorial Day.


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Mar 18, 2024


Mar 4, 2024


Feb 20, 2024

City Council Working Session



FEBRUARY 20, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. Recognitions:

             Fire Fighter – Promotion Recognitions

             Katie Moncus, Chamber President

            Scott Bordley, Tyrone Latimer, Willie Mae Davis- concerned citizens

3. Department Reports:

            Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

            Nathan Riner, Interim Fire Chief

            Bryan Long, Electric Director

            Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

            Alex Lowe, Water and Wastewater Director

            Dave Larson, Community Development Director
            Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Kandice Hartley, City Clerk / Human Resource Director

Carson Daley, Main Street & DDA Director

4. City Administrator Report

5. City Attorney Report

6. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

7. Other Reports


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 801 599 9243 Passcode: council



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Sandersville City Council

Working Session Minutes

February 20, 2024 – 4:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                    Carson Daley, DDA/ Mainstreet

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                               Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                                 Nathan Riner, Interim Fire Chief

Judy McCorkle, City Administrator                           Dave Larson, Community Development

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                 


Mayor Andrews called the February 20, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4:00 p.m.



Mayor Andrews announced Jason Boatright as the appointed Fire Chief for the Sandersville Fire Department. Mayor Andrews read the Fire Chief oath of office to Jason Boatright.  Fire Chief Boatright stated it is an honor to be appointed as Fire Chief and he looks forward to serving Sandersville in this new role. Chief Boatright announced Nathan Riner would be Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief. Chief Boatright also announced that Engineer Ben Avant is being promoted to Captain at the Fire Department.


Chamber President Katie Moncus passed out a Chamber Report and reviewed upcoming events. Council Member Dennis questioned how far the DDA district extended out on East McCarty St. Council Member Dennis stated that the DDA needs to extend the boundaries to include E. McCarty St. all the way to Dollar General. President Moncus stated that would be a question for Downtown Development Authority.    


Mayor Andrews stated citizens requested to be on the agenda to speak on issues concerning Hunters Run Apartments. The Citizens were not at the working session, but Chief Cuyler and staff members spoke of the issues at Hunters Run.  Chief Cuyler stated meetings have been had with the residents and staff there. Chief Cuyler stated there are ongoing concerns about drug activity at the complex. Risk Manager Brian Shelton explained to the council the difference of Hemp and THC and the guidelines set by the GBI concerning testing. Shelton went on to explain what the police department could and couldn’t do as far as enforcement.


Department Head Reports:

Chief Cuyler stated that he has bid for councils approval concerning speed cameras in the school zones. Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that although the speed cameras in school zones would help, the city really needed the mobile cameras that could be placed in different areas around town to deter speeding and illegal activity. Risk Manager Shelton explained how the speed cameras in the school zones would work and stated that this company also had mobile units available.


Electric Director Bryan Long stated there was an invoice for damaged fiber from a wreck that happened a couple of weeks ago. Director Long stating that IT Director Waddell was not there to speak about the invoice. Council Member Dennis stated that IT Director Waddell was suppose to be working on fiber options for residential customers as well and it still had not be done. Director Long went on to state he has an invoice that needs approval for the purchase of extra power poles for the inventory stock at the electric department.


Public Works Director Eubanks stated that there is a proposal from Turnipseed Engineers for lead service line inventory. Mayor Pro Tem Smith questioned how the inventory would work and if was using our employees to complete the task or contract help. Director Eubanks could not answer the questions so Council Member Dennis suggested having David Tyre to come and speak the logistics of the project. Director Eubanks stated that he had two invoices that just came in that he needed the council to approve under other business.


Finance Director Wiley stated there was a budget amendment on the regular agenda. Director Wiley reviewed the amendment to the council. Director Wiley went on to state that ARPA funds would need to be spent by the end of this year and currently there is around $500,000 remaining to spend. Council Member Deborah Brown questioned if more paving of roads could be done with the funds. Director Wiley stated that the paving project was already complete. Council Member Dennis stated there are several neighborhood parks that could use improvements and the funds could help pay for these improvements.


Administrator McCorkle stated that the City of Sandersville would host the MEAG Board Meeting March 26th – 27th .


Mayor Andrews adjourned the working session.




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Jan 16, 2024

City Council Working Session



JANUARY 16, 2024 - 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Dial-in number : 1 305 224 1968  Meeting ID: 801 599 9243

Passcode: 6609805


1. Call to order by Mayor Andrews

2. Recognitions: none

3. Department Reports:

            Victor Cuyler, Police Chief

            Nathan Riner, Interim Fire Chief

            Bryan Long, Electric Director

            Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

            Alex Lowe, Water and Wastewater Director

            Dave Larson, Community Development Director
            Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Kandice Hartley, City Clerk / Human Resource Director

Carson Daley, Main Street & DDA Director

4. City Administrator Report

5. City Attorney Report

6. Council Reports:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith

Council Member Mayme Dennis

            Council Member Deborah Brown

            Council Member Danny Brown

            Council Member Ben Salter

7. Other Reports


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 801 599 9243  Passcode: council


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Sandersville City Council

Working Session Minutes

January 16, 2024 – 4:00 P.M.


Council Members and City Employees present:

Mayor Jimmy Andrews                                              Brianna Wiley, Finance Director

Mayor Pro Tem Jeffery Smith                                    Alex Lowe, Water Director

Council Member Ben Salter                                       Kandice Hartley, City Clerk

Council Member Mayme Dennis                               Robert Eubanks, Public Works Director

Council Member Danny Brown                                 Nathan Riner, Interim Fire Chief

Council Member Deborah Brown                              Dave Larson, Community Development

Keenan Howard, City Attorney                                  Carson Daley, DDA/Mainstreet

Judy McCorkle, City Administrator  



Mayor Andrews called the January 16, 2024 Working Session of the Sandersville City Council to order at 4:00 p.m.


Department Reports:

David Tyre with Turnipseed Engineers explained items on the agenda concerning the L&L Utilities and replacement of equipment at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Council Member Salter asked if there is process that could be put in place to keep from preventing the bar screen at the wastewater treatment plant from being damaged. Engineer David Tyre stated that he has discussed some preventative measures with Public Works Director Eubanks.  The council then had discussions on how to prevent such an expensive repair in the future.


Mayor Andrews stated that Lieutenant Shelton has provided the council a 2023 annual report for their review. Captain Collins stated there was an invoice for the annual payment for the tasers on the regular agenda stating this is tasers that were already purchased that the purchase was split up into annual payments.


Public Works Director Eubanks introduced new street supervisor Matt Reese.


Mainstreet & DDA Manager Daley passed out flyers for all events planned through April.


City Administrator McCorkle stated that the charter is on the agenda but she would recommend tabling until the council can have a work session to review the charter line by line. Administrator McCorkle went on to state that MEAG would be hosting there next meeting on March 27th in Sandersville.


Attorney Howard explained the work that he has done thus far on the charter changes but there are couple of things that still need to be reviewed before adopting.


Council Reports:

Mayor Andrews stated that item #4 on the regular agenda would be skipped until the administrator and attorney can finalize the charter. Mayor Andrews also stated that item #12 would be skipped due to Chief Cuyler being out of town.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated since the police department is researching the options of speed detection devices, he felt it would be worth looking into the mobile units that can be moved around town. Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated the DDA and Mainstreet boards are doing a great job keeping events going on in Sandersville.


Council Member Dennis stated that the Hines Street project is moving along good. Council Member Dennis introduced her sorority sister and explained the mission of the sorority.


Council Member Deborah Brown stated that she had orientation with the city staff and that it was a lot and there is a lot to learn.


Council Member Danny Brown thanked Public Works Director Robert Eubanks and David Tyre for all the time and hard work put into the Hines Street area.


Council Member Salter stated that it is very important to get started on a new police department and we need to get serious on making it a reality.


Mayor Pro Tem Smith stated that we need to being thinking collaboratively and move towards a public safety building or government building away from the downtown area. Mayor Pro Tem Smith suggested maybe even joining with the county to create one government complex.


Mayor Andrews adjourned the working session.


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Jan 2, 2024

City Council Working Session



JANUARY 2, 2024- 4:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers


  1. Call to Order


  1. Oath of Office for Elected Officials Terms Beginning 2024- Judge Bobby Reeves:


Mayor- Jimmy Andrews

Mayor Pro Tem- Jeffery Smith

Council Member District 1 – Mayme Dennis

Council Member District 2 - Deborah Brown

Council Member District 3 - Danny Brown

Council Member District 4 –Ben Salter


  1. Retirement Recognitions:


Renee Jordan-  February 19, 2001- December 31, 2023 -22 years of service

Wayne Johnson- September 6, 1994- December 5, 2023- 29 years

Rick Brantley- October 28, 2023- January 5, 2024- 10 years


  1. Milestone Anniversaries Recognitions:


5 year

Cassandra Harper

Aaron Washington


10 year

Richard Brantley

Thomas Brooks

Calvin Cason

Antonio White


15 year

Maceo Ball

Amber Cook

Michael Howell

Bryan Long


20 year

Thomas Jason Boatright

Gregory Haynes


35 year

Sylvester Hooks

Ricky Phillips



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Downtown Development Authority Meetings

May 19, 2022

May 19, 2022 SDDA Board Meeting

                                                                                          SANDERSVILLE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY




THURSDAY 8:15 AM. MAY 19, 2022


  1. Call to Order.


  1. Public Comments.


  1. Review of Minutes.


  1. Financial Report.


  1. Sandersville Walks.


  1. Farmers Market.


  1. Private Duckworth “Sound Off”  Mural fundraising.


  1. Other Business.


  1. Date of Next Meeting. 8:15am. June 16, 2022. City Council Chambers.


  1. Motion to Adjourn.


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Apr 21, 2022

April 21, 2022 SDDA Board Meeting

                                                                                            SANDERSVILLE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY




THURSDAY 8:15 AM. APRIL 21, 2022


  1. Call to Order.


  1. Public Comments.


  1. Review of Minutes.


  1. Financial Report.


        5. Private Duckworth "Sound Off" Mural.


        6. Farmers Market.


        7. Other Business.


        8. Date of Next Meeting. 8:15am. May 19, 2022. City Council Chambers.


        9. Motion to Adjourn.


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Mar 17, 2022

March 17, 2022 SDDA Board Meeting

                                                                                        SANDERSVILLE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY




MARCH 17, 2022


  1. Call to Order.


  1. Public Comments.


  1. Review of Minutes.


  1. Financial Reports.


  1. Façade Incentive Program.


  1. Farmers Market/Makers Market.


  1. Other Business.


  1. Date of Next Meeting. 8:15am. April 21, 2022. City Council Chambers.


  1. Motion to Adjourn.

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Feb 17, 2022

Feb. 17, 2022 SDDA Board Meeting







THURSDAY FEBRUARY 17, 2022– 08:15 AM


  1. Call to Order.


  1. Public Comments.


  1. Review of Minutes.


  1. Financial Reports.


  1. Business Financial Incentives.


  1. Other Business.


  1. Date of Next Meeting. 8:15am. March 17, 2022. City Council Chambers.


  1. Motion to Adjourn.

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Jan 20, 2022

January 20 2022 - SDDA Annual Meeting



Sandersville Fire Department

125 Warthen Street

January 20, 2022 – 08:00 AM


  1. Call to Order


  1. Welcome members of the Downtown Development Authority District


  1. Nomination and election of officers
  1. Chairperson
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasurer
  4. Recording Secretary (Does not have to be a DDA Board member)


  1. Project Updates


  1. Future Plans


  1. Other Business


  1. Motion to Adjourn




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Jan 20, 2022

January 20 2022 - SDDA Board Meeting







  1. Call to Order.


  1. Public Comments.


  1. Review of Minutes.


  1. Financial Reports.


  1. Other Business.


  1. Date of Next Meeting. 8:15am. February 17, 2022. City Council Chambers.


  1. Motion to Adjourn.

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Sandersville Main Street

May 18, 2022

May 18 2022 - Main Street Monthly Board Meeting


?                                                                                                     ?       CITY OF SANDERSVILLE MAIN STREET


WEDNESDAY MAY 18, 2022 – 8:30 AM



  1. Welcome/Call to Order.
  2. Public Comments.
  3. Minutes. Review/Correction from meetings.
  4. Review of Work Plan. Update.
  5. Financial Update.
  6. Reports.
  • Executive Director Report.
  • Washington County Chamber of Commerce Report.
  • Washington County Historical Society Report.
  1. Promotion Committee.
  • Third Thursday Event. (June 16. Beach Bash)
  1. Design Committee.
  • Welcome Banners.
  • Planters.
  1. Economic Vitality Committee. (Downtown Development Authority)
  2. Other business.
  3. Time Date and Place of Next Meeting. Wed. 8:30 am. June 15, 2022. City Council Chambers.
  4. Motion to Adjourn.     


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Apr 20, 2022

April 20, 2022 Main Street Monthly Board Meeting




WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 2022 – 8:30 AM



  1. Welcome/Call to Order.
  2. Public Comments.
  3. Minutes. Review/Correction from meetings.
  4. Review of Work Plan. Update.
  5. Financial Update.
  6. Reports.
  • Executive Director Report.
  • Washington County Chamber of Commerce Report.
  • Washington County Historical Society Report.
  1. Promotion Committee.
  • Third Thursday Event. (June 16. Beach Bash)
  • Fifth Thursday Event. (Jun 30. TBA)
  1. Design Committee.
  • Welcome Banners.
  • Planters.
  1. Economic Vitality Committee. (Downtown Development Authority) .
  2. Membershipware Demo. March 30, 9am. Zoom Meeting Update.
  3. Other business.
  4. Time Date and Place of Next Meeting. Wed. 8:30 am. May 18, 2022. City Council Chambers.
  5. Motion to Adjourn.     




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Mar 16, 2022

March 16 2022, Main Street Monthly Board Meeting



WEDNESDAY MARCH 16, 2022 – 8:30 AM



  1. Welcome/Call to Order.
  2. Public Comments.
  3. Minutes. Review/Correction from meetings.
  4. Review of Mission Statement. Update.
  5. Review of Vision Statement. Update.
  6. Review of Work Plan. Update.
  7. Financial Update.
  8. Reports.
  • Executive Director Report.
  • Washington County Chamber of Commerce Report.
  • Washington County Historical Society Report.
  1. Promotion Committee.
  • Monthly Downtown Event. (March St. Patricks Day/Food Trucks/Shamrock the Block)
  1. Design Committee.
  • Welcome Banners.
  1. Economic Vitality Committee. (Downtown Development Authority)
  2. Downtown Impact Grant.
  3. AARP Community Challenge Grant.
  4. Other business.
  5. Time Date and Place of Next Meeting. Wed. 8:30 am. April 20, 2022. City Council Chambers.
  6. Motion to Adjourn.     

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Feb 16, 2022

Feb. 16, 2022 - Main Street Monthly Board Meeting



                                                                                                          CITY OF SANDERSVILLE MAIN STREET




  1. Welcome/Call to Order.
  2. Public Comments.
  3. Minutes. Review/Correction from meetings.
  4. Review of Mission Statement.
  5. Review of Mission Statement.
  6. Review of Work Plan.
  7. Financial Update.
  8. Reports.
  • Executive Director Report.
  • Washington County Chamber of Commerce Report.
  • Washington County Historical Society Report.
  1. Promotion Committee.
  • Monthly Downtown Event. (March St. Patricks Day/Food Trucks/Shamrock the Block)
  1. Design Committee.
  • Welcome Banners.
  • Downtown Map.
  1. Economic Vitality Committee. (Downtown Development Authority)
  2. Downtown Impact Grant.
  3. AARP Community Challenge Grant.
  4. Chamber of Commerce Tourism Grant.
  5. Other business.
  6. Time Date and Place of Next Meeting. Wed. 8:30 am. March 16, 2022. City Council Chambers.
  7. Motion to Adjourn.     

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Jan 19, 2022

January 19, 2022 Main Street Monthly Board Meeting

                                                                                                            CITY OF SANDERSVILLE MAIN STREET


WEDNESDAY JANUARY 19, 2022 – 8:30 AM



  1. Welcome/Call to Order.
  2. Public Comments.
  3. Minutes. Review/Correction from meetings.
  4. Appointment of Secretary.
  5. Appointment of Design Chair.
  6. Financial Update.
  7. Reports.
  • Executive Director Report.
  • Washington County Chamber of Commerce Report.
  • Washington County Historical Society Report.
  1. Promotion Committee.
  • First Thursday Event Partnership 2022.
  1. Design Committee.
  • Welcome Banners.
  • Downtown Map.
  1. Economic Vitality Committee. (Downtown Development Authority)
  2. Other business.
  3. Time Date and Place of Next Meeting. Wed. 8:30 am. February 16, 2022. City Council Chambers.
  4. Motion to Adjourn.     

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Sandersville Main Street

Aug 17, 2022

Sandersville Main Street

City of Sandersville Main Street


Wednesday August 17, 2022


Sandersville City Hall  


  1. Welcome and Call to Order
  2. Public Comments
  3. July Minutes Review
  4. Financials
  5. Reports
    1. Executive Director
    2. Chamber of Commerce
    3. Historical Society
    4. Downtown Development Authority
  6. Promotion Committee
    1. Fall event
  7. Design Committee
    1. Planter update
    2. Banner update
  8. Other business
    1. Bark-B-Q
  9. Adjourn



Next Meeting : September 21, 2022 8:30AM at City Hall


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Sandersville Facts

Great Location

Sandersville is centrally located between Macon and Augusta, and Atlanta and Savannah. Historic treasures and beautiful scenery make Sandersville a wonderful place to visit or call home.

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Great Weather

The climate here is pleasant and consistently mild, with all the benefits typical of a southern climate.

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Great Service

The City of Sandersville provides an array of services, including water, electricity, high speed internet and a fiber network, at affordable prices.

SANDERSVILLE local weather


Free COVID-19 testing is offered twice weekly in Sandersville -- Monday and Thursday from 8 a.m. until noon. For screening for testing through the North Central Health District, you must contact the COVID-19 testing number 844-987-0099 to get a referral for testing. The health district also offers testing on different days in each county in the district (see schedule here).